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Posts posted by schuyler

  1. I would be very careful with RFA. I had it done in Feb. 2003. My lung collapsed, which is not that terrible in itself, but I was in hospital for a week. More importantly, it did not destroy my tumor. I found this out when I went for IMRT radiation treatments. It's a new procedure. I've had IMRT for 3 lung tumors and one on an adrenal glad. All the tumors are gone, including the one RFA had left. I may have had a bad doctor for the RFA, but I'm skeptical about its effectiveness. Also, I found out at the time that RFA was not an FDA approved procedure for the lungs, so my insurance would not cover it. RFA was approved for liver tumors only. Irealize that things may have changed since then. This is only my experience. I wish you the best of luck with your treatments.

  2. Your oncologist may be absolutely right. However, if you have unanswered questions, please seek a second opinion. It will make you more comfortable about your treatments if you fully understand your prognosis. I've been having treatment almost four years now and when I come up with doubts, I get that second opinion before going ahead. Good luck to you.

  3. I had chemo with taxol in Winter of 2002. I too had the awful pains in my legs and hands, altho the pain came only 48 hours after chemo. The oncologist said this happens in about 15% of patients. I took Lortabs. They relieved the pain but made me so sick I couldn't keep food down. After several experiments with various painkillers, finally found mepergan fortis (demerol and phenergan) did the trick and did not make me ill. It's been two years since my chemo and I still get intense leg pains off and on - mostly at night - so I take pain medication and that handles it. I have had no trouble walking. You are right when you say you'll handle it when it comes. The next cycle of chemo may not be as bad. Just keep yourself alert to staving off complications as much as possible. And, of course, good luck with the treatments.

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