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Posts posted by FranH

  1. Hi Muriel. Thanks for your reply. I do not have a calendar set up explaining my husband's treatment. But he started with chest pain and pressure in December 2006. After several misdiagnoses a mass in lungs seen on CT lead to a lung biopsy and diagnosis of SCLC. It had spread already to his lymph and brain. He had 10 radiation treatments to the brain and 8 months of chemo (cisplatin and V16). This knocked the cancer back to almost nothing. But the "almost nothing" has come back. Topetican was tried (it held the cancer back for a little while) and now he is on a Phase II drug related to Taxol. We will know soon if this drug is working because CT of brain and chest will be ordered soon. The doctor has told us that they are now looking for something to hold back his cancer and not cure him. We are praying for time. He works every day. He moves slower - but he is working. I am glad to have a place to go to get good information based on others' experiences and some inspiration and hope. Thanks.

  2. Hello. I am Fran and my husband has SCLC. He was diagnosed in Feb. 2007. He has only gone 3 months since then with no chemotherapy treatment. He is 57 years old. I am interested in all of you and will keep my eyes out for your help inspiration. God bless you. Thank you.

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