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Posts posted by Diane

  1. Ned, thanks. I don't know what I'm doing on this site! I should have posted a new message not a reply to that thread. Thanks for the suggestions. I was hoping you would reply as I'd seen you had a similar issue at one time. I also went out and read your story so I did see the name of the drug was neurontin. My dad is actually on that drug now, I just didn't realize it. He was on Lyrica, which didn't seem to be doing anything and then a couple of weeks ago, they switched him to neurontin. Some days are better than others. A lot of the tingling went away and his balance improved, but going up the stairs, he still gets quite a lot of pain in his thighs. Did it take a long time for the neuropathy to subside permanently? Thanks.

  2. My dad has been on Tarceva for almost one month. In the last 2 weeks his eyes became very itchy and watery. A warm cloth provided some relief. A doctor on call prescribed erythromicin, an antiobiotic salve, which hasn't done much to relieve the itch. His eyes have actually bled on occasion, but we're not sure if that was actually the rims of the eyes that were bleeding or somewhere inside. Has anyone found anything that treated the dry, itchy syndrome successfully? Thank you.

  3. My dad had 5 rounds of carbol/taxol and 6 rounds of avastin. He has terrible peripheral neuropathy as well as pain in his thighs when he tries to climb back up the stairs. For the most part he is bedridden because of the neuropathy. he is now on Tarceva, but we're not sure how he's doing as it hasn't quite been 1 month. The dr. prescribed Lyrica and that did not seem to help the neuropathy at all. Does anyone out there have suggestions for drugs that have actually worked on the neuropathy? It's been at least 1-1/2 months since his last chemo treatment and the neuropathy has only improved marginally. Thank you.

  4. It was suggested I make sure the cancer treatment center we go to is NCI accredited. I found there are only 2 here in the Chicago area that are at Northwestern Hospital or University of Chicago hospital. Can anyone tell me why that accreditation is important? One thing I'm a little leery about is that I've heard the university docs can be kind of cold. We want both a compassionate physican and also the best care - I hope that's not asking too much.

  5. Thank you so very much to all of you who replied. I was again feeling very down today because after being at my mom and dad's house, my mom told me my dad is afraid that they will do the biopsy and tell him there is no hope. My mom told him they will never give up hope no matter what the doctors say, but the thought of how afraid my dad must be is depressing me nonetheless. Then I saw I had some replies to my post and I felt like a weight was lifted. I am convinced there is hope for him. If I can show my mom how to post to the website I will because I think she'll feel better too. Thank you all again very much!! Someone also told me to make sure the cancer center we're going to is NCI (I think) accredited, so I will check that out and also research what that means.

  6. This is my first time on this site. My dad was diagnosed yesterday with lung cancer and the dr said the liver was involved, which most likely accounts for his lack of appetite. They haven't done a biopsy yet, but are doing one on Mon or Tues, but they have done a cat scan of the stomach, which they did did because he had lost his appetite. The dr then ordered a ct of the chest and blood tests. I don't know how they knew the liver was involved. When they did the ct scan of the stomach, they caught the tip of the lung mass on the scan, but no-one ever said anything about the liver. They told us it was a 1 inch mass on the lung, so we were a little hopeful, but after the news about the spread to the liver, we are all just heartsick. The dr said there is always hope, but it pretty much got lost in all the other scary things he told us. I don't know how to comfort my mom and dad, but they do have 3 of us kids who will be there for them for whatever they need. My dad is so skinny, I am worried he won't be able to withstand the chemo. Where's a good place to start on this website to find people who are in similar positions? Thank you.

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