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Posts posted by bee

  1. Hi everyone,

    Thanks so much for the support you have given me. I am finally going today for an xray. Went to the dr. yesterday. The Puffer she gave me helped some.

    My blood pressure was good, pulse is high though. I still have the wheezing so now she wants me to take two puffs three times a day opposed to the two times a day. and she is sending me for an x-ray.

    I go back again in three weeks unless something show's up in the x-ray, she said she would call me sooner. On the form for the radiologist where you can leave a comment she put what looks to be Infection with a question mark.

    I am still coughing up white foamy stuff but no blood since that one day. I am also not coughing as much which is good.

    So I would think if there is a spot or anything I would know by today? I will ask the radiologist if he/she found anything to please call my dr. today so that she can contact me immediately.

    Will keep you updated and thanks so much again.

  2. Hi Everyone, thanks again for the kind words of wisdom and support .

    I havn't been on here for a bit but I did end up waiting and went to my dr.s appointment yesterday...I just kept thinking that I would be ok and could hold off. I missed yesterday and the day before from work as I have been feeling nauseas and again shortness of breath.

    Anyhow, I told the dr. that the antibiotics didn't work and that I was still coughing and had shortness of breath. She asked if I was still wheezing and I told her yes but not as bad as it was from before. The dr. asked me to breath out for her regarding the wheezing so I did and she said "Oh My!" took me to the back of the room and listened to my lungs. She also took my blood pressure which she said was high and probably from the coughing (I have been on blood pressure pills now for the past 5 years).

    So, she gave me this inhaler(Symbicort) and I am to take two puff's in the morning and two puff's at night. She also said that she wants to see me again in 3 weeks. It took me so long to get this appointment as it was that when I told the receptionist the dr. wanted me back in 3 weeks the receptionist phoned the dr. in her office and told her there was no room that she was booked but the dr. must have said to fit me in anyhow cause I ended up getting in for July 3rd.

    She(My dr.) had asked me if the dr. at the walk in clinic had ordered me chest exrays but I told her no and she didn't say anything but just prior to my leaving her office yesterday I asked her if I shouldn't go and get a chest exray or ct scan but she said no.

    Maybe she is waiting until she see's me again on the 3rd of July?

    I took my puffer last night and again this morning but even after taking it I still have the wheezing/coughing.

    I wanted to give you all an update. I do not know anything about asthma really so I will search around for information to read on that, I do have a friend with asmtha and I can ask her questions.

    Also, if I don't see an improvement with the puffer within the next few days I will go to the hospital or walk in clinic and see about getting chest exrays.

    Thanks so much again for your kind words and support, I promise to keep you updated.

  3. Thanks so much everyone. I have not coughed up anymore blood since the other day. I just called my dr.s office to see if I could get in today between her patients but her receptionist said that she already has a long waiting list. I told her receptionist that a couple of days ago I had coughed up blood and she said it was probably from the irritation in my throat from coughing. I then told her that I went to the walk in clinic and had taken antibiotics for 2 weeks but it didn't help and that I have had this cough for about 6 weeks now. The receptionist told me that she didn't think that I could get in because of the waiting list but would call if something did happen to come up that she could fit me in to see the dr. I forgot to mention the shortness of breath,wheezing etc but I don't think that would have mattered either way.

    I don't think that there is much more I can do unless I try to get back into the walk in clinic to see another one of the dr.s there. It is just so frustrating to have to see a different dr. everytime.

    Last night was a really bad night for coughing, seems like I can have either a "bad"night or a "really bad" night.

    I promise to keep everyone updated, thank you so much again for your kind words and support.

  4. Hi, I just joined here. I have been sick for about 6 weeks now, started with a cough,stuffed up, sinus pain etc... About a week later (5 weeks ago) I started having this really bad cough and after 16 days of that I went to the dr. and he checked my lungs and said that my lungs were wheezing and I had a touch of asthma as well as bronchitis. He prescribed me Biaxin xl (500mg) two times a day for 14 days. After 10 days on them I still had the cough, stopped taking them for two then started back to finish them up.

    I have shortness of breath but thought that was because of the asthma, I didn't bother picking up the puffer. I still have this cough and it is worse at night when lying down. Below my eyes are puffy, maybe from lack of sleep not sure. My phlegm has tons of "bubbles" in it and is very foamy.

    Anyhow, I just don't feel good but I started to basically panick today. This morning I coughed and went to spit in the bathroom sink and it was a bright red,not a bit but all of the phlegm, I thought I was seeing things and coughed again and it had pink red threads like threw it and when I coughed again it had brownish red spots in it.

    I am in shock I think, I havn't told my husband who was a medic for 20 years about the blood today. I did say to him tonight that I hope this cough, shortness of breath etc isn't lung cancer and he said "no it isn't". I asked him how he could be so sure and he said it was because he refused to believe it. He has voiced his concerns however about my cough etc since I have gotten sick.

    I have another dr.s appointment on the 18th of June.

    I don't understand why the antibiotics didn't work, I am exhausted to say the least.

    Has anyone here coughed up blood? was it everytime or only periodically?

    Anyhow, it might not be anything serious but since this morning I have been going over so many things in my mind and odd as it might seem, I can't seem to voice my concerns / fears to anyone but I found you all here even though I might be overreacting.

    Thanks for listening, it helps just to even write this down :)

    P.S, I am a smoker and 43 years of age.

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