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Posts posted by aroberman

  1. Sharon,

    By the way, I forgot to tell you that my sisters and I DID see you in the video that was on the news about Dr. Rosenberg. In fact, when we happened upon this LUNGevity web site, I mentioned that I think that's the same woman we saw the expose about! That's why I contacted you. I'm glad you're doing so well.

    My mother is not going to receive her third infusion of Alimta since her oncologist believe she may be allergic to it since she can't breath when she walks but breaths perfectly when she's seated. Who knows. These' chemos just arent working for her. Our only hope is to get her in with Dr. Rosenberg who can make her feel better and perhaps boost the effectiveness of whatever chemo they will try next. The only one she responded to was Gemzar and Avastin together but they took her off it to put her on the Tarceva trial which was a miserable mistake in hindsight. We shall see.

    Stay well,


  2. Hi Sharon,

    My mother has Stage IV NSCLC mets to the bones and the chemos alone have not been working on her. Her chemo treatments sound very similar to yours but her tumors continue to increase in number and in size. Vitamin C is something we are going to pursue as she continues her Alimta treatment. She is located in Florida and there is a center in Delray which we've visited for a consultation. Her children are in the NY area and we would like to have her near us if she can be. She's not feeling well enough for us to take regular trips to Philly so we were wondering if you or anyone at the facility in Philadelphia where you're receiving treatment are aware of any centers in NYC that may offer the intravenous Vitamin C treatment. We feel very happy for your success and hopeful that this could be successful for our mother.



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