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Posts posted by lans1003

  1. We brought my mom to her general physician 5 weeks ago. We suspected pneumonia but knew something else was going on. We had noticed a severe decline within weeks. Needless to say my mom never made it home. They put her right into the local hospital. From there she has been diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer with mets. Her right lung is complete tumor. She was immediately vented and we are working to get her off vent support atlease for the daytime. She does have one good lung thank goodness. After 2 weeks of nothing being done in our local hospital we contacted the Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Philadelphia. They graciously agreed to accept her as a patient. After jumping through hoops to get transportation from New York to Philly we are finally here. They did more for her in 1 hour here than they did our entire time at our hospital. We were given no hope. Here there is always hope. She has completed radiation to the brain. She has begun weekly chemo. She is spending more and more time with no vent support. My father, brother, and I have set up camp in Philly for awhile. We continue to remain postive and strong! Most importantly we keep praying and believing!

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