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Posts posted by gthappen

  1. Good Morning to all of my new friends:)

    We went to UNC yesterday for some final x-rays and got home very late but with an amazing sense of graditude.

    We will be staying at the Holiday Inn in Chapel Hill, which has been made an affordable option by the hospital itself. A shuttle will take me to the hospital for my appointments.

    Aug. 4th is the day I get to launch my first strike against this horrible critter.

    My Lord and Savior goes before me to prepare the attack!

    Today we celebrate my daughter's 22nd birthday (a few days early--Plan B). We're having a cook out with lots of family and all the grandkids. I am BLESSED with so much love to take in today and carry with me down the road ahead.

    Met with the chemo team yesterday also. I think I was the first person to tell them that I couldn't wait to get my chemo:))) I haven't had my regular remicade infusion for RA and I'm a hurtin unit in that respect. My rheumatologist told me that I won't even know I have RA once I start chemo. (a blessing in disguise!)

    I'll come home for the weekends if well enough to make the 3 hour trip and will check in with everyone then.

    My schedule runs like this: 9:15am and 4 pm: radiation, (about 30 mins each) for 3 weeks M-F and chemo at 10 am on M-T-W starting Monday and every 21 days after for about 2-1/2 months. (chemo will run about 5 hours)

    How do I feel about the treatment?

    Like when I was a little girl and mustering the courage to get into a swimming pool that was cold:)

    Can't wade into this poool though, got to dive in!

    I love you all for every word of encouragement, kindness and extended hand of friendship. I will be praying for all of you!

    ((((((((my Friends))))))))



  2. Good Morning Everyone!

    Well, the treatment plan is in place.

    I start Monday, Aug. 4th,2008 and will stay in Chapel Hill for 3 weeks for the first round.

    I'll get chemo M-T-W every 21 days for about 2-1/2 months, and radiation twice a day, 5 days a week for 3 weeks. (Chemo drugs are Cispletin & Etoposaid)

    mmmmmmmmmm....all the reading material sounds scarey, but I am committed.

    NOW----THE GOOD NEWS: The radiation onc told me that I "got the gold ticket"---my SCLC is LIMITED!!!

    Todd and I need your prayers...some days seem so fragile, others are pure celebrations.

    Many, Many Thanks and Blessings to all of you---you are all a source of information, comfort and kindness to me and my family.

    I will be in touch when I can:)



  3. I meant to post this here, not as a new topic. I will learn:)

    Thank you all so much for rallying around me. I can only know that each one of you knows first-hand how warm and nurturing it is when you can feels the hugs of others.


    A rep called from UNC Dr.'s office to tell me that a brain MRI would be scheduled for that day. I'll take a CD of the MRI with me to the Dr's appt. on Tuesday. Seeing my Dr. at 10:30 and meeting the oncologist at 1:30.

    I have SCLC and will know on Tues. if it's extensive or limited.

    The needle biopsy went well but I was out of it the entire next day. Terrible gas to cause terrible pain. It's over today, though and I feel myself again.

    I have been doing a LOT of reading on this site. What a true blessing all of you are!

    Yesterday Todd and I cried. We let it out and resolved to FIGHT.

    I am ready. Scared, but READY:)

    Deep Breath------I'm READY.

    Lots of Smiles and Hugs,


  4. Thank you all so much for rallying around me. I can only know that each one of you knows first-hand how warm and nurturing it is when you can feels the hugs of others.


    A rep called from UNC Dr.'s office to tell me that a brain MRI would be scheduled for that day. I'll take a CD of the MRI with me to the Dr's appt. on Tuesday. Seeing my Dr. at 10:30 and meeting the oncologist at 1:30.

    I have SCLC and will know on Tues. if it's extensive or limited.

    The needle biopsy went well but I was out of it the entire next day. Terrible gas to cause terrible pain. It's over today, though and I feel myself again.

    I have been doing a LOT of reading on this site. What a true blessing all of you are!

    Yesterday Todd and I cried. We let it out and resolved to FIGHT.

    I am ready. Scared, but READY:)

    Deep Breath------I'm READY.

    Lots of Smiles and Hugs,


  5. Hi Everyone!

    I am so grateful to find this community.

    My name is Kathy and I am 53 and married to the man of my dreams for almost 8 years.

    I am having a CT-assisted needle biopsy done on Wed., July 23rd at UNC in Chapel Hill, NC. My husband and I are in a bit of a "holding pattern" right now as 3 different doctors have told us that my hilar mass is in the bottom right lobe--the upper right lobe---and lastly, the middle right lobe.

    I'm just thankful they're all in agreement about which lung it's in:)

    I think I've been in a bit of denial since hearing the news from a pulm. dr. on July 3rd.

    I have RA and my rheumatologist ordered an Xray because I was coughing a lot.

    The xray led to a CT scan and referral to a pulm. dr.

    Then a bronoscopy for bushings & washings--then a PET scan.

    Next step---referred to a local surgeon for a needle biopsy who in turn referred me to a surgeon at UNC. The local doctor didn't want to do the biopsy because it was "too close to the pulmonary artery."

    All a bit confusing.

    Anyhow, I am a optimist as well as a realist and have always been very proactive regarding my RA treatment.

    Once we have a definite diagnosis and know which treatment path to follow, I know that things will be moving fast and my life will be different. That scares me. I am content in the land of "not really knowing" for now.

    I need this group and the hands of friendship and support it may offer me.

    I also hope to be a source of encouragement to others.

    Thank you for being here!

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