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Posts posted by Tam

  1. Hello everyone. I was well surprised at all of the words of support from you all. My husband just took his second round of chemo this past Friday and was handeling it fairly well untill today. It has caught up to him and he has thrown up so much already this morning. He is so weak and tired, which is hard to watch. He is 6ft. 8in. tall and used to going all the time.

    To answer a few questions about our entire situation: My huisbands feet began to rot several months back. Literally he had large open wounds on both feet which made it very painful and to where he was unable to work anymore. He began having what appeared to be severe chest pain, which many specialists chalked up to severe nicotine withdrawal. In any case, I took him to a larger hospital and they thought the wounds on his feet were maybe causing blood clots to go to his lungs, so they did several cat scans and accidentally found his cancer. After his first surgery to remove the rt. upper lobe of his lung, he developed a very extensive clot from his knee to his naval. After they removed the clot, which took 3 days in ICU, he formed another clot in the same area. Then they figured out the blood disorder and it took 2 more weeks before they found a med that would keep him from clotting. They placed a Vena Cava Filter in and then had to drain fluid off his lung. And now we are at the chemo stage.

    As for friends and family helping out: In the beginning everyone who new us were here all the time. We could not rest because of them all. They helped clean the house, gathered money, called, visited, brought groceries. That lasted about 3 weeks. Now there are only maybe 4 people that still check on us and offer any help. But, when you tell them what we need done, they balk and slowly stop coming around or calling. And what makes it harder for me right now, is that my husband doesn't want anyone but me to look after him. He knows I really need to get back to work, he knows it has been hard on me and that working would actually give me a break, but I am the only one he can seriously count on. So, taking care of him physically and emotionally is my number one priority right now. If that means we lose our house and so forth then we will manage in other ways. His disease and health problems have shown me that material things don't matter. Which was a hard lessen to learn for me because I love my material possesions. But I have learned that there are far worse things in life than "things".

    Well, thank you all for listening to me vent my frustrations.

  2. Hello board. My husband Jon has nsclc stage 3a. Has had 1 round of chemo(carbo-taxol) and will go for round 2 in 2 days. He isn't handling it well. He has also developed a blood disorder as well, lupus anti-coagulant, which has caused many complications. It has already been a long road of only 2 months and many surgeries and tons of hospital stays. I am not looking forward to this next round of chemo at all. I also have to get back to work at some point before my FMLA runs out. We do not have much family worth relying on, so it is mostly just him and I thru the most of this nightmare. He is only 35 and I am 32. No children thank goodness. Any support and info would mean the world to me.

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