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Posts posted by KC

  1. Thank you everyone for your caring and support. Well from what the dr. told my Aunt today she has a mass in her lung the size of a golf ball and I believe, some other little ones, but I'm not sure. And they did an MRI of her brain today and said they found a tumor in her left lobe, I believe left frontal. So they will be doing a biopsy on the lung on Monday and I think the plan is to radiate the brain tumor. Right now they are giving her steriods to try and reduce the swelling in the brain so that she is able to communicate better. NOt sure how long we should see results from the medication. I am sick to my stomach and praying hard that the treatments she receives work for her. I just don't know. I can't imagine life here without her, she is a HUGE part of our family. Please pray for her. Thank you all so much. If anyone has any other knowledge on treatement to eradicate a brain tumor they would be greatly appreciated. I heard of gamma knife but not sure about the difference between that and radiation. I will try to look up some information. Also, I am wondering if benign tumors spread? I don't think so, but I'm just grasping here.

  2. Hello everyone. I am a member here since around 2001 when my Dad was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. He passed away in March 2004. I feel like I am just somewhat getting back to the new normal and now my Aunt, who is like my second Mother and a second Grandmother to my daughter was just admitted to the hospital today. She is 70 years old and a long time smoker. She quit in February because she was having trouble breathing. She saw a pulmonologist yesterday and he said all her breathing functions came back normal but he saw a mass on her lung. Today she went to the ER because for the past 2 days she has been unable to articulate her thoughts. They did a CT scan and saw the mass and did a CT scan of the brain and said they saw fluid on the brain. Now I wasn't there when this was going on and I never did get to speak to a dr. because I wasn't informed of all of this until 8:00 tonight. Her oxygen was at 95. The ER dr. actually told her that it doesn't look good looks like cancer that spread to the brain. But they can't diagnose without a biopsy. I am just wondering how a dr. can say this to someone without knowing for sure. Also, my Dad never had brain mets, so I don't know how they present themselves. Does it show up on CT scan as fluid and not a mass? Or is the fluid from the tumor? I am sick to my stomach over this. I don't think I am strong enough to deal with it again. I have 4 people in my entire family, I can't lose another! Not this way again! My sweet Aunt. Please pray for her and any answers or experience you may have with fluid on the brain that effect speech is greatly appreciated. She understands everything that is said to her, and she knows what she wants to say, just has trouble getting the words out. She also told me that the past couple of days she started not being able to let go of things that were in her hand. Obviously her brain isn't sending the proper signals. I just wondering why they didn't see a mass on the brain and only fluid. Sorry for the rambling. Also her feet are swollen. I am numb and in shock and that knot in my entire body is back. I know you all know what knot I am speaking of. Thank you so much.

    I just re-read my post and don't think I was clear. My Aunt went to the hospital because she thought maybe she was having mini strokes (which I still think might be possible). She has no pain, headaches or cough or mucous. She was told last year that she had pleurisy in the lung. Would that show up as a mass on a CT sca?. I'm just hoping for the best here that the "mass" as inflammation or the pleurisy and the fluid was actually from mini strokes (not that that is great news either). I also failed to mention that the mass on the CT scan was seen on her lung.

  3. I just re-read my post and don't think I was clear. My Aunt went to the hospital because she thought maybe she was having mini strokes (which I still think might be possible). She has no pain, headaches or cough or mucous. She was told last year that she had pleurisy in the lung. Would that show up as a mass on a CT sca?. I'm just hoping for the best here that the "mass" as inflammation or the pleurisy and the fluid was actually from mini strokes (not that that is great news either). I also failed to mention that the mass on the CT scan was seen on her lung.

  4. Hello everyone. I am a member here since around 2001 when my Dad was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. He passed away in March 2004. I feel like I am just somewhat getting back to the new normal and now my Aunt, who is like my second Mother and a second Grandmother to my daughter was just admitted to the hospital today. She is 70 years old and a long time smoker. She quit in February because she was having trouble breathing. She saw a pulmonologist yesterday and he said all her breathing functions came back normal but he saw a mass on her lung. Today she went to the ER because for the past 2 days she has been unable to articulate her thoughts. They did a CT scan and saw the mass and did a CT scan of the brain and said they saw fluid on the brain. Now I wasn't there when this was going on and I never did get to speak to a dr. because I wasn't informed of all of this until 8:00 tonight. Her oxygen was at 95. The ER dr. actually told her that it doesn't look good looks like cancer that spread to the brain. But they can't diagnose without a biopsy. I am just wondering how a dr. can say this to someone without knowing for sure. Also, my Dad never had brain mets, so I don't know how they present themselves. Does it show up on CT scan as fluid and not a mass? Or is the fluid from the tumor? I am sick to my stomach over this. I don't think I am strong enough to deal with it again. I have 4 people in my entire family, I can't lose another! Not this way again! My sweet Aunt. Please pray for her and any answers or experience you may have with fluid on the brain that effect speech is greatly appreciated. She understands everything that is said to her, and she knows what she wants to say, just has trouble getting the words out. She also told me that the past couple of days she started not being able to let go of things that were in her hand. Obviously her brain isn't sending the proper signals. I just wondering why they didn't see a mass on the brain and only fluid. Sorry for the rambling. Also her feet are swollen. I am numb and in shock and that knot in my entire body is back. I know you all know what knot I am speaking of. Thank you so much.

  5. Barb,

    Hi. I haven't posted in quite a while, but I saw your post and I was just talking to someone about this yesterday. I had my tonsils removed when I was 35. They were huge and I too used to get those awful stones. I have to tell you, it was the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life, but I have never had a lobectomy, so I cannot compare it to that. I was out of commission for 3 weeks and in excruciating pain for all of that time. The pain felt like someone was sticking knives in my ears, so it was not only in my throat, it was just awful. I couldn't even speak for the first week. I was unable to take any pain killers as they make me nauseous, so that may have something to do with it. You really cannot swallow anything, even your own saliva for a week at least without experiencing pain. I don't want to frighten you, but I did feel like I needed to tell you how awful it was for me. No one could understand why it was so painful, because children have it done all the time, but it is much worse for adults, there is no comparison. Maybe if your dr. can prescribe to you liquid painkiller, you will be in a better position than I was. Honestly, I would only advise doing it if you really cannot take the sore throats any longer and are guaranteed that the surgery will make them go away forever. I wish you the best.

  6. Today is my 4th Fathers Day without my beautiful Daddy. I am still angry at the beast called cancer. I would douse it with gasoline and burn it and then do it again and again and again and again, and then I would stomp all over the ashes and scream at the top of my lungs "DIE Cancer! Burn in He** where you belong!!". I hate you!

  7. My father quit smoking 25 years before he was diagnosed. When people ask me if he smoked, I tell them no. Usually, that ends the discussion right there. I think whoever said that people ask because they feel "safe" somehow because they don't smoke, is correct. My response usually gets a very surprised look and you can see just see them thinking about it in their heads.

  8. Carleen,

    I am so very sorry and saddened to hear of Keith's passing. I cannot imagine the pain you are feeling right now, but you need to hang on, Carleen, please. Keep your promise to Keith. Live FOR him, Carleen, and know that he will forever be alive in your heart for as long as you live because love never dies. I am holding you close in my thoughts and prayers. Know that we are all here for you and sending you strength and love. God, I am so sorry.



    I hear you loud and clear. I am now petrified anytime I have to go to the doctor, take a blood test, pap smear, mammogram, chest xray, anything! I am filled with anxiety about it constantly. It's a terrible way to live. My father was diagnosed in Dec. 2001 and passed away 2 years ago this month. I am still traumatized by the whole thing. I hope it gets better with time. You are not alone.

  9. My heart just sank when I saw this topic about our dear, beloved, Fay. This hurts and I feel so sad. I will miss her so much. I hope that her new journey is all that she ever dreamt it would be and more. She fought so very hard. I hate cancer! My deepest sympathy to her family. May they find comfort and peace in the memories of their beautiful, Fay.

  10. Fay,

    I could never find the words to tell you how much I admire, respect and appreciate you and all of the wisdom, support and love you have shared with me over these many years. I will miss you, Fay, and will never forget you. Please come and visit me in my dreams or in any time to let me know you are ok. I will pass along the sign to all of those who care and love you here at LCSC. If you meet up with my Dad, hug and kiss him for me and tell him how much his grandaughter and I love and miss him. I wish I were more eloquent, but I know I could never put into mere words all that you have meant. You are now and will forever be surrounded by love.

    Love Always,


  11. Fay,

    I love you, dear Fay. I have never seen your face before but I have to tell you, you look EXACTLY like I have pictured you in my mind for the past 4-1/2 years, EXACTLY. You are beautiful, Fay, inside and out. I wish you peace and comfort and I know your family will do anything that you wish. Your wonderful life and the way you live it is a memorial to you all on it's own. Thinking of you always and forever special lady.

    Much love,


  12. Big hugs to you (((((((FAY)))))))). Sending love and prayers and good thoughts for some peace for you and that you may return to your home somehow. I am praying for your miracle that you are so deserving of.

    Much love always,


    P.S. Tell Nurse Ratchet to BACK-OFF!!

  13. (((((((((FAY))))))))))), I love you. I wish you could be at home where you want to be. If there was anything I could do to change that, I would. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers always. I wish you peaceful, comfortable days ahead wherever you may be. Keep making memories and hopefully, somehow, your dog will be allowed to come to you. Thank you for all of your wisdom, love and support always and we are all here for you!

    Much love,


  14. Bronwen,

    I am so very sorry. I just want to say that I could have written your post myself. Your father sounds alot like mine and I did the EXACT same things that you did as far as never talking about the end for all the same reasons. My Dad would always tell me that death is a part of life. He would try and soothe my mind when he could see the fear in my eyes by saying "everything will be ok". He never wanted me to worry, and I would try my best to not let him see it. I thought that I could save him and I tried really hard to do so, but it wasn't meant to be. He never wanted me to spend so much time searching for cures and answers, he just wanted me to live and enjoy my life and not worry about him. If he would mention the word die, I wouldn't say anything, I could never think that way. I never wanted him to think for one minute that I was giving up on him. He once asked me what I thought he should do about treatments and I told him I never wanted him to give up. Ever. He would say things like when I die, just throw everything out, and I would just say, ok Daddy. I could never get deep into the subject and I don't think he wanted to either. If he was afraid of dying, I don't know. I do know how I watched him cry from the pain he was in and the thought of having to leave his family, but I don't know if he, himself feared death. In March it will be two years that my father passed away and I miss him so much. You are only 4 months into this terrible grief and what you are experiencing in normal. The what if's, regrets, etc. I did the same thing, for a very long time. Sometimes those thoughts creep into my mind once and a while, but not like they did in the beginning where they were crippling to me. I know how you feel and I promise that you will come to find some type of peace as time goes on. Just know that you were a wonderful daughter to your Dad and he knew and still knows how much you love him. We are only human and we tried our best. Try not to be so hard on yourself. Your Dad wouldn't want you to do that to yourself. He loved you just as much. Please take care of yourself and give yourself the time you need to try and heal. Many people have said grief is something we cannot go around, jump over, etc. It is something we have to go through. Truer words were never spoken. Much love.

  15. I, too, totally agree with Denise. If I was to write something, it would be the exact same thing she said. Also, my Dad looked so extremely handsome and healthy in the casket, just like he did in life before the cancer, minus his beautiful hair. I knew he was at peace, finally after all the pain, I also didn't feel like it was really him there, his spirit was already free and that was just his body. His heart was already in mine and that is what lives on, the body is just the shell. I can honestly say that is how I felt, after all of the fear my ENTIRE life of experiencing that moment. I am so very sorry for your loss.

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