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Posts posted by dana

  1. Hi Everyone,

    I just want to share some great news. My dad just had a second surgery to remove left over cancer that the surgeon did not remove during the first surgery. He is doing great and is coming home today. He has had an amazing recovery. He has felt a lot more pain because he had two chest tubes but once they removed one of the tubes he was back to his old self. He looks as if he never even had surgery. We also got the pathology back and it said that there were no signs of cancer. I am still a little confused about this. Our family always gets a copy of the pathology and run it by a second opinion. The surgeon has not talked about any further preventive steps to take. My dad is 79 and they are very against chemo and radiation b/c it might be harsh on his body, but he has fought through these two surgeries like a trooper. Anyhow I just want to share the news and send love to everyone else out there. I think my dad has the most amazing faith and will to live and honestly that has helped all of us get through this.

    Peace and Love,


  2. Hi This is Dana,

    My dad is awaiting a second surgery for his lower right lobe and the other night was taken to the emergency for what turned out to be kidney stones. Of course I am in total panic b/c I am not sure if that is a sign of something or what? The Doctors said that it was common of cancer patients and that they did not find anything new that to indicate that it was spreading, BUT they did find a cyst in his testicle. They were sure that it was not cancer. I don't know what to believe so I am curious if anyone else has had experience with kidney stones after being diagnosed. Thanks for any advice, and Happy Halloween to everyone!!!!


  3. Hi Bobmc,

    Thank you so very much for replying to my message. I have been telling my family and friends about your story and they all are so ecouraged and hopeful. Well the next surgery is scheduled for November 14 and my dad is already calculating that Christmas should be his sixth week of recovery from the surgery. They still don't know if they are going to remove the entire lung. Each day he is getting stronger, our local ice cream parlor is helping getting his weight back on. Thank you again for your advice and sharing your amazing story. I hope all is well and I will keep everyone updated.

    Peace and Love,


  4. Hi My name is Dana. My dad was diagnosed about 4 motnhs ago with Stage II lung cancer. About 6 weeks ago he had a lobectomy of the upper right lung and part of the lower right lung removed. Surgeon gave us good news that it hadn't spread to lymph nodes and everything looked good. My dad left hospital in five days with no complication except for a heart arithmea one night. The following week not so good news, the surgeon called and said he did not get all of the cancer in the lower lobe and he is scheduled for another surgery.

    My dad is 79 years old and has an amazing will to live. Prior to this he was working as a full time professor. He is still determined to go back to teaching when he fully recovers, perhaps for the spring semester. He is expecting a grandchild in January (my older sister is pregnat). We are all on this emotional rollar coaster. I am praying that he is able to see his first grandchild. The doctors have ruled out chemo and radiation thus far and think that surgery is his best option. He is recovering great so far from the first surgery, yet gets tired easily but that is expected. We are working to put the weight back, more on him than us. If anyone has any advice please let me know. I love reading the message boards and I am so happy I found this site.

    Love and Peace to everyone,


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