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Posts posted by JT

  1. It's been some time that I've had to post a note. Once again, thanks to all of you for your kind support. I couldn't seem to log back on and, Katie, I appreciate your help in getting me going again.

    My Mom is (in my opinion) doing so well with the chemo treatments. Turned out, the drugs chosen are different from the original recommendation. Cisplatin/Alimta - Her hair is thinning, but not bad. The fatigue was huge, for the 1st cycle, along with the "fog" and lightheadedness. This 2nd cycle, her response has been so much better. She was resistant to hydrate. In fact, the MD told her, if her creatin #'s don't go down, she would take her off the cisplatin. Well, this got her attention and she's been better, enough so she can con't with the drugs, at this point.

    Hydration seems so essential, her response this cycle has been so much better. My Mom is still very resistant to hydrating, but she is doing way more than before, and thus, her fatigue is less, and so is the "fog"!

    Does anyone have any comments about hydration and benefits for chemo side effects?

    I appreciate everyone's comments, it's most helpful!



  2. Judy, Sandra and Ned...thank you for your input! If anyone is interested, the "cooling cap" info came from:

    http://www.cancerbackup.org.uk/Resource ... tshairloss

    In theory, it seems logical.

    Ned...the link (Grace thread) you provided me was so helpful! Thanks so much. I didn't even apply it to the hands and feet...but finally, the light bulb moment happened! I'm told the Taxol is common for some people to experience neuropathy of the hands and feet. We'll have to check to see if my Mom is up for the cooling experience. If she tries it, I will sure to post the results.

    Thanks to you all... I sense the wonderful "hope" you send out and I'm so grateful for this.


  3. Wow, it's been a whirlwind!

    My Mom @ 76yr, was just diagnosed with stage 1V, NSCLC, 10/08.

    The urgency of testing, 2nd opinion and learning is overwhelming.

    I'm thankful I stumbled onto this site and I thank each and every one of you who have shared their stories and experience!

    Does anyone have any experience with the cooling caps during chemo tx? Do they work in helping to reduce hair loss with chemo? Just curious.

    Hopeful to have her tx begin next week.

    Thanks for listening.


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