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Posts posted by klooty

  1. Hello everyone... I have become very intrigued by this site...


    Has anyone done this??? Or know of anyone who has sent away something to these people and had it come back with incredible news or results???

    Also, I'm looking into whether anyone knows that if asked, will a Canadian Insurance Provider pay the cost for this too be done and tested???? Cause it says its like $2500 to get the thing tested.... Will our Canadian Health Care provider pay for this if we want to get it done???

    Thank you for any help what so ever... God Bless you ALL... GOOD NIGHT!!!

  2. Hello everyone... A bit of an update on my father, Rick...

    He went to go see the doctors in London, ON today... His ONC and his Radiologist... He had his blood work done and a chest X-tray to start the day... Then it was off to see his ONC... HE SAID that the tumor in his chest hadn't changed much at all... (however, never mentioned anything about the mets else where in his body).... Dad mentioned that he was interested in doing some more radiation, this time on his chest, and the ONC mentioned something about a new pill that was just introduced in CANADA last week that he was interested in trying on my dad... So my dad listened....

    The ONC is putting him on something called PAMIDRONATE (adredia??) which apparently is used with some types of cancer which may involve the bones,,,, also strengthens the bones and helps relieve bone pain... I guess this is a pill which he has to take once a day....

    The ONC is also putting him on 5-fluorouracil Infusion (pump)-(Adrucil).... This is apparently supposed to treat cancers of the esophagus, other parts of the gas tract, and many other types of cancer...

    The ONC is also putting him back on the CISPLATIN, which he had already been on this past April... This time they're giving it to him in lower amounts because it didn't make him feel good at all last time...

    The ONC is also putting him on EPIRUBICIN which is also apparently used to treat lung cancer!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't know if any of you have heard of these things or are on these things or maybe even know if they've been working for you?!!?!?!?!?!?!? I just wanted to share with you what is going on now... So now, we wait till FEB. 11th to start the actual chemo. again... The pill taking and the pump is gonna start ASAP.... THEN it was off to see the radio doctor...

    HE SAID he did not want to start anything while my dad was trying this new medication... Wait and see how this works and then go from there... (ITS ALWAYS LIKE THIS!!!!),,, now, this doctor is really nice and very helpful... He also mentioned he could probably do radiation on the chest if the new chemo. drugs didn't do the job.... So, we'll just have to wait and see how these new drugs go over...

    OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT A ROLLER COASTER RIDE!!!!!! I'm excited my dad has decided to start more treatment, but I'm also a little leary, wondering if this is the best way to go!?!?!?!?! I supposed the DOCS are trained in this stuff and do know some things right... ITS JUST SO HARD TO PUT YOUR FAITH, HOPE AND DREAMS in a guy you don't really know, and a guy who doesn't really know you!!! My faith and hope remain in God that he will allow for this medicine to work and to let this be the drug that starts to make my dad feel better and fix him.....

    I'm off now to go and research these new drugs he will be taking.... I like to know all about them and I know he'll like to know as well....

    I suppose I posted just because I wanted you people to know what was going on... The bits of encouragement and the prayers that come our way from each and everyone of you are so greatly appreciated.... My thoughts and prayers are still and will always be with each and everyone of you... Take care of yourself and I'll talk to ya later.... God Bless...

    Adam K

  3. Hello Everyone... I hope this posting finds everyone doing well... I just had a few questions/concerns and was wondering if anyone could inform me of what might be going on....

    My dad, has been doing pretty good lately. He has many doctor appointments in the upcoming weeks and I personally am hoping that he decides to perhaps give radiation a shot again. He is still on the pain pump which has been doing him good and he is eating pretty much normal again.

    However, there is this wheezing he has. Everytime he breathes in, breathes out, there is this sound that comes from inside. Wheezing is the best way that I can describe it. HE SAYS it almost feels like pleogm (flem???) in his throat/lungs. Has anyone had experience with this before or know of anything that might be going on. Could it just simply be conjestion or perhaps that darn tumour pinching something off???? I don't know and I'm kinda worried... I suppose we could go to the doctors and get them too look into it, but we all know how long that would take... So I come here,, hoping that someone knows something about what might be going on...

    ALSO, my dad is in Stage IV and earlier on he was told it had spread to several different locations. (spine, liver, bones) However, the primary tumur is located in his chest. Behind his sternum (spelling)... Apparently it was about the size of a tennis ball... I was wondering why they haven't decided to do radiation there??? Why not hit it at the primary spot and then worry about the other places later??? and is there any other sort of treatment that anyone has heard of that may be beneficial in helping my dad.... He had radiation done once,,, on his lower back,, because of pain... And that seemed to work... Would it then not work on his lungs???

    I thank you all for your help and any points you bring forward are greatly appreciated... I pray that this is the year that they find something, find anything, that will take this evil out of our lives forever... Take care of yourselves... Talk to you again real soon. Byeeeee


    P.S. Today my dad was given an oxygen pump. Incase he needs it... Is this good or bad?

  4. I don't know if you remember me but we had talked a little bit near the beginning of December. My father was in the hospital around the same time that your mother was there as well... I even mentioned that I knew some people living in Stuart and asked if you knew who they were....

    I am so terribly sorry... I'm not real good at these sort of things but I want you to know how saddened I am and that I am gonna pray for you and your family tonite... I suppose at times like this it is sometimes better to say little than too say a lot...

    Take care of yourself and may God Bless you in this coming year...


  5. Hello Everyone... I hope this posting finds everyone doing well... I just had a few questions/concerns and was wondering if anyone could inform me of what might be going on....

    My dad, has been doing pretty good lately. He has many doctor appointments in the upcoming weeks and I personally am hoping that he decides to perhaps give radiation a shot again. He is still on the pain pump which has been doing him good and he is eating pretty much normal again.

    However, there is this wheezing he has. Everytime he breathes in, breathes out, there is this sound that comes from inside. Wheezing is the best way that I can describe it. HE SAYS it almost feels like pleogm (flem???) in his throat/lungs. Has anyone had experience with this before or know of anything that might be going on. Could it just simply be conjestion or perhaps that darn tumour pinching something off???? I don't know and I'm kinda worried... I suppose we could go to the doctors and get them too look into it, but we all know how long that would take... So I come here,, hoping that someone knows something about what might be going on...

    ALSO, my dad is in Stage IV and earlier on he was told it had spread to several different locations. (spine, liver, bones) However, the primary tumur is located in his chest. Behind his sternum (spelling)... Apparently it was about the size of a tennis ball... I was wondering why they haven't decided to do radiation there??? Why not hit it at the primary spot and then worry about the other places later??? and is there any other sort of treatment that anyone has heard of that may be beneficial in helping my dad.... He had radiation done once,,, on his lower back,, because of pain... And that seemed to work... Would it then not work on his lungs???

    I thank you all for your help and any points you bring forward are greatly appreciated... I pray that this is the year that they find something, find anything, that will take this evil out of our lives forever... Take care of yourselves... Talk to you again real soon. Byeeeee


  6. So my dad has been home for almost a week and I haven't been here since I last posted. I feel horrible for, I don't know, almost neglecting the place that helped me get through my fathers last hospital stay. I think often times, (maybe its just me), we look to people more in our most trying times rather then all the time. And I am sorry for this. I'm going to make an honest effort to come here more often and express myself. A lot of you people helped me and my father get through that hospital stay and it just felt good to have a place to come and voice my concerns and thoughts.

    My father has been okay lately. My brother and I have been keeping up on his meds at home and making sure he gets enough to eat all day. He is beginning to sleep more again, probably due to the dilaudid which, seems to be working famously for his pain.

    I've been thinking lately a lot about what I'm gonna get him for Christmas. IN NO WAY AM I GONNA NOT GET HIM SOMETHING. He obviously says he doesn't want anything because of the state he is and the "prediction" the doctors have made. I want to give him a normal present... I don't want him to think we're giving up on him and I'm gonna make sure everyone in my family treats this Christmas, just like every other Christmas before... BECAUSE I REFUSE TO TREAT MY DAD ANY DIFFERENT because of some claim the doctors have made.... I think this is very important.... So I'm just gonna get out there,, and get him something really nice and really NORMAL.... Unfortunately, he has always been one of the hardest people to shop for... BUT I WILL PREVAIL....

    SOOOOOOOO... i just want you all to know that you are in my thoughts always and will be in my prayers forever... Don't treat this Christmas any different than all the rest!!!

    MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE and all the best in the coming NEW YEAR.... My prayer tonite is that as the clocks roll over into a New Year, that the past year may be forgotten and the NEW YEAR can be looked forward too and a welcomed sight for all... Take care of yourselves and eachother....

    Adam Kloostra

  7. Pain Pump attached, my dad strolled in the front door this afternoon looking for his big comfy recliner. I smiled, and said a lil' prayer. My daddy was home.

    He was discharged this afternoon after he had his CT scan done... The results will be in sometime I guess.. And we'll hear about it... But the most important thing is, my daddy is home...

    We moved my parents bed to the main floor this morning. He have a dining room that wasn't getting much use anyways and it seemed to be the best thing anyways. No more stairs to conquer each morning!!! Now the kitchen, bathroom, living room (With T.V.), and his bedroom are all located on the same floor. Which is way easier for him. I'm just glad he is home and pray that his strength will stay up and that he gets to enjoy Christmas and then, in the new year, think about treatments again.

    I thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers... Without those prayers, I don't know where we'd be.... I thank you, from the bottom of my heart... Take care of yourself and eachother....


    P.S. That Cancer Ablation site.... Does anyone have more info on that. Does it work??? and is it available in Canada??? New ideas of treatment excite me, I really really feel that my dad can beat this thing... New treatments give a lil' bit of hope...

  8. The confusion has apparently settled and he wasn't shaking near as much today as the past few days...

    We went to London to see the pain and symptoms doctor and he suggested keeping the pain medicine at or maybe a lil' below its current setting.. Which is good.... And he suggested that we up the dosage of neurontin because my dad is complaining of really really sore hands... So that doc thinks its a nerve problem and want to check his blood sugar again to see if thats too high....

    Anyways, the trip to London allowed us to get the 2nd opinion we were looking for and he is going to send his suggestions to Chatham so they ca follow thru on them... My dad has a CT scan tomorrow morning and he is really hoping he can come home tomorrow afternoon.. Which would be really cool... He is way more alert and responsive than the days before he was admitted... Perhaps this hospital stay has done a load of good,,, it appears that way anyways....

    So who knows... Wouldn't it just be GREAT if the CT Scan came back tomorrow with no evidence of any tumour whatsoever!!!! THAT WOULD BE WONDERFUL,,, but I'm not counting my chickens.... Just hope that the cancer hasn't moved at all.... We like to keep the bloody thing in its place!!! I will keep you posted... Take care and God Bless you all.. Bye


  9. Okay.. First off, my dad hasn't had a bowel movement for sometime so he is on some meds to cure that. Such as motilium, lactulose and senokot. He is also on ANCEF to treat some infection he may have? He is also on a OXESE TURBUHALER which he uses two times a day. He is also on a few meds that help control some types of seizures such as NEURONTIN which he takes 600 mg three times a day. He is also taking seax and was supposed to be on ativan (but my mom put that on hold). These are both benzodiazepines which are used for anti-anxiety and seizures. BOTH OF WHICH I DON'T THINK MY DAD HAS!!! And then he is on the dilaudid which is for the pain... He is receiving 2.6 mg/hr!!! I find that extremely high when the usual starting dose is 1-2 mg every 4 to 6 hours as necessary for pain control. Does anyone have any information about these drugs and/or what mixing them may do.... I've done some research and know what they are all used for and some possible symptoms of overdosing and some side effects. We go to London tomorrow with a list of everything he is on... Hopefully they'll notice something....


    At times I am overwhelmed by this all. As I sure all of you know and understand... this is a huge burden to bear alone... I am thankful I have people like you here to help me through this... Every time I go on the net now, the first place i come is here... This site has been an incredible web of support and I truly feel blessed for being able to have met people like you... ALL OF YOU...

    With that said... Today dad was still kinda out there... Real loopy and asking the strangest questions about the most random things. It is quite sad and confusing even to us. At times we think he understands about what is happening around him, but then out comes some odd and out of the blue statement or question. I don't know what is the best way to deal with this. Agree with him and answer his question, or perhaps ask him what the heck he is talking about. I know its not his fault, its just so sad to see him like this. ITS NOT HIM, its the drugs, or perhaps mets to the brain... They're looking into it...

    I, on the other hand, went to the doctors today to get a letter addressed to my univeresity to explain why I am unable to write my finals because my father is so unwell. I probably/definetly will get out of writing them. AS GOOD AS THIS SOUNDS HOWEVER, it is little consolation in the big picture. I would gladly write every single one of those exams if my father could just get well again.

    At the doctors she actually sat down with me and had a little heart to heart which was nice. (I even brought up this site and explained to her that I didn't have many questions because I have such an awesome support and information centre right here)... I did ask her how big the main tumor was and she said it was about the size of a tennis ball and located right behind his sternum. She explained some of what they are doing and trying... Apparently, when they tried to put him on his regular meds the pains came back... So the PAIN PUMP was working and she was unsure if it was the meds in the pump or perhaps progression of the cancer that was causing him to be loopy... He's scedule for a chest X-RAY and a CT Scan all within the next day to try and get a better look at things.... On Thursday we go to the pain and symptoms doctors in London at the Cancer Clinic there. Hopefully, they'll be able to figure things out there... The doctor also mentioned how things are not looking too good right now. She says she hopes its just the meds doing it too him, but feels if its the cancer is spreading again things aren't looking to good....

    SO much information, so confusing at times. I try to take it all in. But its so hard. So overwhelming.


  11. Okay... so my dad is still in the hospital... Still on medication and we're still looking out for him... However,,,, tonite he seemed to me slightly dillusional. Kinda not all there. He'd do strange things and say strange things,,, none of which made sense to us... We just passed this off as the meds getting to him... (perhaps he is getting to many, or a certain mix that made him do these things)

    He said he saw a helicopter this morning land across the river and two boys run out. When my aunt came up earlier, he said he saw it again and when my aunt looked, there was nothing... He's also very figidity... His hands have been so so sore lately that he could hardly move them and tonite he was playing with wires and his bed sheets as if his hands were feeling good... He also is twitching a lot more than normal. Quick spasms that sometimes cause both his legs to jump... There are also times when we think that he is purposely trying to confuse us,,, like just trying to mess with our minds to have a lil' fun.. BUT ITS DRIVING US NUTS... we really really feel that he is not joking around and is actually really out of it right now.... So we talked to the head nurse tonite to ask that they watch him closely and perhaps take his pain medicine done a few notches... This is really weird... Has anyone had an experience like this???

    I'm going in early tomorrow to check on him and make sure he is okay.... I mean, its good the meds are easing his pain,, but we don't want them to cause him to lose his mind....

    Take care of yourself, everyone.... You're all in my thoughts and prayers tonite.. God Bless..


  12. I understand you are supposed to trust and have faith in the nurses. But at times it is difficult to do give your trust and faith away to a complete stranger. My dad, in the hospital still, but he says the pain is getting lesser, so that is good. My dad keeps telling us to keep our eyes on what the nurses are doing and saying. Just sometimes it seems that the one nurse says one thing and then another says something totally different.. It just worries me.. I wish I could be there all the time to keep a closer eye on things... AND then there are the stories about an error and people getting hurt or worse because something was done wrong!!! I don't know... I'm thankful for them and what they do... I often wonder though, do they really care. OR EVEN, are they able to show care for one person, more than another????

    AND FOR CRYING OUT LOUD... if they do make an accidently and harmless mistake could they please refrain from saying "OOPPSS"!!! That drives me nuts... You don't want to here that when someone's life hangs in the balance...

    I'm not one to point a finger.. But sometimes, those nurses, make me worry about what they're doing, more than what the cancer is doing! I don't know,,, maybe I'm a small majority of people who think this way...

    And for any nurses out there reading this,,, I hope I didn't offend you,, I applaud what you do,,, but it still makes me worry... So I ask questions.. I really don't hate you,, I DON'T... Take care of yourself, everyone,, including all the lovely nurses.... Bye


    P.S. Not trying to produce controversy... I just worry a lot...

  13. Thanks everyone... I feel it so important to inspire and to be inspired... These words have inspired me and I will write some of them on my dad's board,, ones I think are relevant to what he's going through.. I thank you... Take care of yourselves..... Byeeeeeeeee


  14. Doctor is putting my dad threw a couple packs of blood.. You know,,, blood transfusions... I don't really know all that much about em.. But I think they're good right.....???? He also says the pain has gone down a lil'... the meds are still making him really tired... i'll keep updating.. take care,,, all of you!!!


  15. Okay... One of the things I thrive on is trying to make people laugh... Especially during this battle, I feel it extremely nessecary to get my dad to, if not laugh, atleast smile... I would do things like come downstairs with this tight, colourful and flamboyant shirt that I haven't worn in ages and ask my dad, "Does this shirt make me look gay??" and he would chuckle and I would feel great in suceeding in making him laugh...

    Today, I'm at the hospital, my mom and sister are there too. Dad is awake for the most part but kinda slipping in and out of sleep... (we often wonder if he's actually sleeping or just listening to us)... So I'm sitting on the window sill overlooking the river in our town and my dad has his eyes closed, resting nicely.... And I let one rip!!! I'm not going to lie to you,,, it was LOUD.... (perhaps you think this is crude, but I haven't seen my dad laugh this hard in over a year!!!) Suddenly, my dad opens his eyes in shock, perhaps thinking it was my mom or sister, and says to me "You gonna go to the bathroom and finish that one off boy???" and I get off the sill,, walking a lil' funny, with a real serious/worried look on my face like,,, "Ohh boy,,, I'm in trouble"... So I go into the bathroom - STRICTLY FOR COMIDIC REASONS (because everything was actually okay and it was simply gas...) and I spent a couple seconds in there and came out,,,, dad is still laughing,,, and i'm like... "PHEW!!! I'm okay... everything is still in place" AND MY DAD IS almost in tears, he was laughing so hard!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA... it was one of my proudest moments.... :wink:

    I know this seems rude, crude and disgusting... But it made my dad laugh in a way I haven't seen in over a year... Thinking about it now, it almost makes me cry to know I was able to bring him a moment where he was able to have an extremely good laugh... Threw all the pain and the anguish, I thought, for that moment, I made him forget about it all and he was simple able to laugh... It made me feel so good... and now I'm crying... Take care of yourself... ALL OF YOU...


    P.S. Sorry if this story disgusts you... I apologize sincereley... If it makes you laugh, enjoy!!!

  16. Words are powerful.... My dad has a message board in his room at the hospital and for the two days so far, I have put a message of encouragement on it to help him try and focus and remember the important things.... The first one was "Falling is the easy part. The hard part is getting up again and dusting yourself off" and then tonite I left this message on the board "Those whos hope is in the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up on wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not be faint" - Is. 40:31

    Now I turn to you... Everyone must have had, at one point or another, words that moved them. Words that inspired them. Words that encouraged them. I would love it, if you could send them to me... Post them here and I will put them on my dad's message board so that he can be inspired as well....

    It was cool.... I didn't know if he'd read the one I put on last night, but he did. Cause he asked me to think up another one for tomorrow... And I told him,,, I already got one... I grabbed his bible and went right to Isaiah and wrote out that well known verse.... Tomorrow I'm gonna change it again... I would love to bring something from someone from this place....

    My hopes and prayers are with you all tonite... And with you daddy... Take care of yourself...


  17. Thanks for the words of encouragement... I really like it here... Everyone knows... Everyone has been there.. Not like the "real" world.. People just don't fully understand what its like... Thank you for your replies...

  18. Visted my dad today in the hospital. I'm at work now, I'm heading back to the hospital when I'm done at 7.

    He was pretty tired. I assume the meds are really hitting him hard and making him so tired??? He still has the pain, which is still the same as yesterday. They're putting him on a pain pump tomorrow, which apparently is for him to be able to administer a shot of pain med when he feels he needs it most??? I'm not to sure about that really. But hopefully it subsides the pain...

    So whats next??? Will they try to stablize the pain,,, so that he can come home again pain free??? I heard that the first priority is to get ride of the pain... The next is to treat the cancer... What if the pain is too much??? I pray that the doctors and nurses are able to ease his pain... to make him comfortable... so he can come home and be able to consider more treatment... right now, he's not even thinking about that... I wish this terrible beast would release my father and bring him back to me... Our hope and prayers lie with God... His will be done...


  19. My dad was admitted to the hospital tonite... He didn't get out of bed at all today... The doctor came over to check on him and suggested he go to the hospital so they could control his pain... His chest is hurting him bad.... He's hardly awake at all... Which I guess could be blamed on the meds... He oftern times even falls asleep while eating.... Things are terrible right now... OHH HOW I WISH HE WERE HOME AND PAIN FREE AND SET TO GO TO WORK AGAIN TOMORROW MORNING.... but alas, THY WILL BE DONE!!! Please pray for him tonite.. God Bless you all....


  20. Dad didn't make it out of bed today... I try and I try to coax him out,,,, but I'm not gonna force anything... He sleeps a lot and his tired all the time.... He's not eating very much at all... I am terribly scared that these days are his last..... I of course can not be certain,,, I mean who can.... I just wish this beast would leave us forever.... I don't want my dad to go,,, but I don't want him to feel this pain anymore... He's weak.... There is nothing I can do.... Today is a very bad day.... Yesterday was not so bad... Hopefully tomorrow may be better..... I pray for a better tomorrow...

    "The heavy hands of afflicition squeeze not to destory our live, but to get the best out of us...."

    Please pray for him tonite.....


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