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Posts posted by Rosie

  1. Hello Everyone,

    I'm sorry I haven't been around for some time. Looking through the forum, it's so good to see that so many of you still post. :)

    Right now, my husband has a niece (she's 24) that was diagnosed six months ago with brain cancer. I know it's not the same, but the emotions and questions are.

    Does anyone know of a good Christian book about cancer and God?

    Please let me know if you have read something that meant a lot to you...

    I've found a few at the christianbooks website, but I'd like to know of one that someone read and liked.

    Thanks so much and many blessings to all of you...


  2. This is truly a big loss for this site and the many friends Dean and Gay have.

    There was always such inspiration in his posts and general concern, love and warmth when he would reply.

    I know God had a very special place reserved in heaven for this wonderful man (I'm sure it came with a really cool indoor doghouse too ;) ).

    His family and those that feel the loss here will be in my prayers...

    In His care,


  3. Denise,

    I have just returned from spending my mother's one year anniversary with my sister. She died on August 19th.

    Please know you are not alone. We totally understand and are right here with you.

    To be honest, the days leading up to her death were the worst. It's as if you are reliving the 'saying Goodbye' all over again.

    The day that she actually died was easier than we had anticipated. Maybe because we do know that she is no longer suffering and she can even walk/dance/run again. (The mets had attacked her spinal cord rendering her paralyzed from the chest down.

    Do you have anything special planned for that day or the day before?

    Much love and prayers to you and your family as you work through this time.

    In His care,


  4. Betty,

    Please know that you are in my prayers.

    I know that there is nothing we can say to make you feel better. If it helps at all, please know that from the time my mother was told this until she died... well... they really were the best days of her life. She had her hard times, but she outlived what they thought she would and with it realized how beautiful the blue sky really is.

    Grab each moment and live in it.

    Praying for hope, love, comfort and miracles...

    In His care,


  5. 1. My sister and the close relationship God has given us.

    2. For having a warm, dry place to live in all this rain.

    3. Three awesome boys!

    4. That at least one car is working.

    5. ginny who started this post. I was having a really bad day and this made me stop and think. :)

  6. Pamela,

    I totally understand how you feel. I talk to my sister every day and sometimes we say the same thing... I can't believe it.

    We are at that six month anniversary also. Though I don't know that time will change that odd feeling of... She's gone? Really?

    Hang in there...

  7. Thanks Ry,

    I'm glad to hear he's still doing well enough to surf around. :)

    Dean, if you are reading this, please know that we are all thinking of you and praying for you both.


  8. I want to just add to what the others have said about getting to the doctor asap. I have had over 17 blood clots in my legs and know how serious that can be. (I have Factor V.)

    Is there a red line at all or is it swollen?

    Blood clots are treatable, but not good and can cause further complications. If I were you and you suspect it could be a blood clot, don't wait see a doctor or at least call your doctor immediately.

    Please keep us updated.


  9. Your father was probably very proud to accompany you for your wedding. It's every true daddy's dream for his little girl.

    I know he's smiling down on you.


  10. This happened once when I went in for some lab work. My hemotologist doctor works in oncology also. There are always things there with patients that remind me of mom, because their fight is so similar. But one afternoon in particular a woman walked out with a dark shirt on that looked *exactly* like my mom. It totally took my breath.

    It was shocking, but a nice reminder of her.


  11. Carols,

    I'm so glad to hear your dad is getting treatment.

    Grieving is such a major issue that can effect us in so many different ways. I'm sorry to hear that the other woman has pushed her way in so soon. I know that had to be hard on you...

  12. That's probably not even a word, but my sister and I are thinking of donating something tangible that would have her name on it, but aren't sure what to do. (Actually this was her idea, but I love it.)

    We thought of putting something at a grocery store, but the store isn't doing to well and we're afraid it will be gone soon.

    OK, wait... I know that sounds wierd, but let me explain, mom loved this grocery store. She went there every day... really... every day.

    Then there's her place of work... but while she loved some of the people there, they really did her wrong for some time.

    Anyway, I'd love to hear some of your ideas and things that you have done...

    :) Tam

  13. Thanks Anais,

    That does help. Sometimes I think I float back and forth through the various stages. Although I don't stay in them as long each time.

    It really does help to have something that says, "Yes, this is ok, you are not crazy."


  14. Thank you all so much for just being here and posting.


    I haven't done anything yet. My sister and I are talking about doing some things, but haven't been able to firm anything up yet.

    I think I will light the candle. I have some work to do here at the computer, it would be a nice reminder.

    Thank you all again so much...

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