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Posts posted by WinsorCat

  1. This Easter I noticed my feet were swelling ....I've had swelling but this was very excesssive and painful. We went to the ER and I came out with a DX of Congestive Heart Failure and a prescription for Lasix. Also had chest x-ray , ekg, ultrasound of legs and feet and several blood tests.All of these were within normal limits.

    I am scared....is this something one can live with or is it my final ticket?

    I dont know anything about this one so I'm on the net today doing the google thing and looking for answers.

    Thank you all in advance for any insight you can give...God be with us all

  2. That is truelly the most awsome internet page I have ever seen. I had to stop crying before I could type this. Luna is a very very special kitten that will probably have great healing powers, good luck :D Cindi..... :D

  3. Ct Scan after 3 months of Tarceva showed signifacant growth in main tumor .Tarceva stopped and sent to research departmant for clinical trial options.Pretty sure will start new trial on the 14th of March. It is another oral medication taken once a week. Will know Friday for sure.

    I am so glad there are so many new options available to us today but also facing the reality of this disease. The last 2 months have consisted of many many sleepless nights thinking the stupid thoughts of death and the grim reeperIt's time to get some final things in order...I have a 14 year old who will be an orphan at that point....his mom died 3 years ago. He is having some major problems dealing with his emotions at this point and the next few months will just get harder I think.

    I am so greatful for this board and Rick and Katie and all the work they do. I dont post too much but do read everyday and am just amazed at the wonderful human beings that have found this sight and help me make it through one more day at a time. Thank You all for being here....

  4. I have been on 150mg tarceva since December 5th, very little rash almost no stomach problems with two exceptions, but am also on alot of pain meds that tend to constipate.....so it kinda evens out. I have also always had dry skin and yes this has become worse but daily lotion seems to at least kill the itch. Had a brain CT today because of just overalll feeling like crap and it was clear according to my onc... radiology will read it tomorrow. Chest Ct is the 25th and I really feel as if this pill is working. Will know for sure on the 7th of March.

    maybe his dose is too high? just a thought,

    my prayers and wishes are headed your way....

  5. This is day 4 for me....nothing yet but let's see what happens when I wake up day 5.I don't think the toilet will be a problem because the pain meds I take constipate me so we are hoping for a happy medium on that end... I'm hoping you can handle this because I just know it's gonna work for both of us, Good Luck my little Tarceva buddy!!!

  6. As of Wednesday I started taking the Tarceva....150mg once a day.Another very expencieve drug. How do these people get away with this.$2400.00 for 30 pills.I thought when a few of them hit the market it would drive the price down but it seems to be the reverse.

    No adverse reactions yet but still very early.Wishing everyone health and happiness for the holidays, they all seem a little more special these days!!! :shock::shock::shock:

  7. Thank You all for well wishes and prayers (need all the help we can get), so far insurance has approved it but two pharmacies, walmart and walgreens have said not able to order from their wholesaler..,almost as bad as trying to get a flu shot! :D

  8. Went to my onc today and she was extatic about a small groth in my tumor but no spreading.....this was just enough so no more Navelbine and I can be her first patient to be on TarcevaShe said she had to find out how to prescribe it and will calll my insurance company to get it approved then need to get my pharmacy to order it as they surely won't have it in stock.Hopefully I will get the pills by next Thursday.

    I am also very excited about the posibililities that have become available in the last two years.

    Here's to hoping for the best!!!!

  9. The Stork Is Dead ???

    SON SAYS: Daddy, how was I born?

    DAD SAYS: Ah, well, my son, one day you will need to find out anyway! Mom & Dad got together in a chat room on MSN. Dad set up a date via e-mail with your Mom & we met at a cybercafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, & then your mother downloaded from dad's memory stick. As soon as dad was ready for an upload, it was discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall. Since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later the blessed little virus appeared. And that's the story. 8)


    A married couple were asleep when the phone rang at 2in the morning.

    The wife (undoubtedly blonde), picked up the phone, listened a moment and said, "How should I know, that's 200 miles from here!" and hung up.

    The husband said, "Who was that?"

    The wife said, "I don't know, some woman wanting to know if the coast is clear."


    Two blondes are walking down the street.

    One notices a compact on the sidewalk and leans down to pick it up.

    She opens it, looks in the mirror and says, "Hmm, this person looks familiar."

    The second blonde says, "Here, let me see!"

    So the first blonde hands her the compact.

    The second one looks in the mirror and says, "You dummy, it's me!"


    A blonde suspects her boyfriend of cheating on her, so she goes out and buys a gun.

    She goes to his apartment unexpectedly and when she opens the door she finds him in the arms of a redhead.

    Well, the blonde is really angry.

    She opens her purse to take out the gun, and as she does so, she is overcome with grief.

    She takes the gun and puts it to her head.

    The boyfriend yells, "No, honey, don't do it!!!"

    The blonde replies, "Shut up, you're next!"


    A blonde was bragging about her knowledge of state capitals.

    She proudly says, "Go ahead, ask me, I know all of them."

    A friend says, "OK, what's the capital of Wisconsin?"

    The blonde replies, "Oh, that's easy: W."


    What did the blonde ask her doctor when he told her she was pregnant?

    "Is it mine?"


    Bambi, a blonde in her fourth year as a UCLA freshman, sat in her US government class.

    The professor asked Bambi if she knew what Roe vs.Wade was about.

    Bambi pondered the question then finally said, "That was the decision George Washington had to make before he crossed the Delaware."


    Returning home from work, a blonde was shocked to find her house ransacked and burglarized.

    She telephoned the police at once and reported the crime.

    The police dispatcher broadcast the call on the radio, and a K-9 unit, patrolling nearby was the first to respond.

    As the K-9 officer approached the house with his dog on a leash, the blonde ran out on the porch, shuddered at the sight of the cop and his dog, then sat down on the steps.

    Putting her face in her hands, she moaned, "I come home to find all my possessions stolen.

    I call the police for help, and what do they do?

    They send me a BLIND policeman.

  11. If that's the case why does AIDS get such tremendous research funding......can't most AIDs patients be blamed.....I think we just need to become more vocal. The people on and behind this board do a tremendous job....I just wish I wasn't out in the middle of nowhere, thinking seriously about Dallas.....I think it would make me feal better to get active in this cause. Yes I was a smoker but I didn't sign up for this damn disease.Where are all the taxes going from a pack of cigarettes.....I honestly don't know but I think some could go towards research. Maybe it does.....but I really doubt it. :cry::cry::cry::cry::x:evil::twisted:

  12. I became very aware of Lung Cancer last November.....We attempted surgery on what we thought was stage one til I was opened up and sewn (staped) right back up....it had spead outside the lung to a mass of about 8cm according to surgeon.Back to the drawing board and my first meeting with what I now think is the greatest oncologist this side of the Mississippi.Started immediatly with radiation which shrunk all tumors to less to 2 cm.then we started this chemo superhighway .....went thru Iressa on the way and for 5 to 6 months I have been on Navelbine.Very potent but very quick with few (but growing )side effects.

    I still worry that every little thing that happens is the cancer but so far all paranoia.My girt acting up but insurance wont pay for nexium so I guess i am stuck with it :evil:

  13. I have not officially joined the club or have I really been trying to loose weight....but I have lost 20 pounds this month but then again not in the right way....I was sick for about ten days and couldn't eat...but have been back to feeling good and able to keep it off.

    I can't even think about exercise ..a walk thru Wal Mart wears me out but I will keep trying to shed a pound here and there and let you all know how it's going....right now 329 lbs.

  14. I had surgery back in November and only this month stopped the Dilauded . Don't worry about the addiction factor as explained before as long as mom needs the meds not likely she will become addicted. I agree that Dilauded is a very strong med but that's what it took for me to beat the pain and I thank God and my doctors for keeping me supplied.

    Prayers and good wishes to you and your mother in beating this damned disease!!

  15. I applyed for ssdi and ssi on nov 12.... i recieved ssi for nov and dec on dec 12 and got approved for ssdi starting in april....but will recieve ssi til then. a smaller check but a God send.....also if you recieve ssi you qualify for medicare and food stamps. I had no help from my employer because I was just part time.

  16. While new to this subject... I'm starting chemo tomorrow. I don't think anyone can predict with any certainty how each individual will respond. I do believe that because you are in great shape that chemo will probably not effect the quality of your life as much as thinking that it will, will.

  17. Thank You all for the encouraging posts... met with oncologist today and she said that while the results are encouraging dont get my hopes up... she said when the surgery was done in November there was cancer all over the outside of my lung that doesn't show on the Ct Scan. I,m not a professional on this but doesn't sound quite right but she is the expert .I am still gonna enjoy the feeling I've had that I'm winning this war!!!!!!!!! :twisted:


    CLINICAL HISTORY: Lung cancer, restaging. Patient had surgery and radiation therapy.

    CT of the chest and abdomen was performed. Oral and intravenous contrast has been administered. Seven mm transaxial sections were obtained. Comparison was made with a previous study from RAA Imaging dated 9/16/03.

    The left-sided pleural effusion has completely resolved. The end of soft tissue density linearly located in the left upper hemi thorax medially was noted. This has remained unchanged. This represents postoperative fibrosis or fibrosis related to radiation. A few tiny calcifications in this region probably representing ______calcifications. The rest of the lung fields are clear. No hiatal or mediastinal masses or adenopathy is noted.

    CT sections through the abdomen reveal normal liver. The gallbladder is also unremarkable. The adrenal glands are within normal limits. The spleen is unremarkable. The pancreas is within normal limits. There is no evidence of ascites and no retroperitoneal adenopathy is noted. The opacified loops of bowel are within normal limits.


    1. Complete resolution of left-sided pleural effusion since the previous study from RAA Imaging dated 9/16/03.

    2. Left upper lobe fibrothorax with a band of fibrotic change in the left upper hemithorax medially with minimal calcification. This is essentially stable and unchanged. Some of the changes are related to previous surgery and radiation.

    3. Lungs are clear and no evidence of hilar or mediastinal adenopathy.

    4. Normal CT of the abdomen.

    Maybe wishful thinking but I thought this was pretty encouraging after Radiation....start chemo w/clinical trial D 0112 tomorrow....again thank you all for your encouraging stories and god bless you all!!!!!!

  19. I just completed 14 treatment sessions and am scheduled to start chemo the end of this month. My radiation Dr told me I have the choice to get chemo now or when I become sicker? I ave no idea what lies ahead for me and my family other than I have been given a year to live. What is the quality of my life going to be? Am I going to be too sick to enjoy it or what. Very confused and very scared..... Thanks and God Bless!!!

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