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Posts posted by montikins

  1. Good Morning everyone,

    Well we had our first consult with the doctor yesterday. Mom as non small cell lung cancer. We do not know a stage yet as they still have 2 things they want to do.

    Tuesday - Pet Scan

    Thursday - surgery to biopsy lymphnods around her wind pipe (most of them are swollen)

    Friday December 19 we go back in to get all final results and treatment plan.

    We all knew in our hearts that mom had lung cancer...but I guess it is still a shock when the doctor says it. I can't stop crying, my heart is broken, I am so scared.

    Anyways I will keep you all posted

    Thank you for your well wishes.


  2. Hello All,

    Well we take mom in tomorrow morning for her results on her biopsy and cat scan. So anxious to get that appointment over with, as you have all told me, once we know a treatment plan things get a little easier, the not knowing is what is so hard right now.

    Mom is very anxious, had to get her a prescription Friday for Anxiety medication, but so far no depression, she is very prone to depression so we are all keeping a close eye on her.

    Anyway as soon as I can I will write in the results, wish us luck and thank you all for the support.

    Thank you


  3. Hello,

    Mom just got a call that she is scheduled for a PEP Scan. Does anyone know what that is, I can't find anything on it. I have heard of PET scans but she says they said PEP.

    Any information would be helpful.

    Thank you


  4. Hello,

    My 59 year old mother as recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. She had her biopsy done on Monday and we go see the doctor on the 11th of December for the results. At this point all we know is that she as a 4cm lesion on her right lung and that 3 of her lymphnoids are swollen near her heart.

    Everything as gone fast, on the 4th of November a spot was seen on her x-ray, the 14th we went in for a CT Scan and the next day the doctor called her with the results that it was indeed cancer, now the biopsy as been done and we are waiting for those results.

    The hardest part is the waiting....we are all so anxious and my poor mother is so nerved up. I have been the one elected in the family to be her strong one and I am proud to say I am doing a good job around her, I let it out only when she is not there.

    Anyway I just needed to find somewhere where I know I can ask questions and maybe vent a little and help ease this big ball in my stomach.

    Thank you for listening and any advise is very welcome.


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