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Posts posted by terrih

  1. When I was dx 4 years ago with stage IV NSCLC I visited forums daily searching for anyone who could offer me hope of long term survival. I didn't find many and I eventually stopped visiting the sites because I found them too depressing.

    Now, as a 4 year survivor, I wanted to return to offer others hope. I am still chasing the cancer around but am feeling good and enjoying life and am hopeful for many more years.



  2. I was dx 4 years ago this month with stage IV nsclc at the age of 40. At first, I visited this site often but have not been here for a long time.

    I just wanted to offer hope to those who are newly diagnosed or are having setbacks. I'm still chasing the cancer around but I'm still here and feeling good. Feel free to visit my website at www.mybumpintheroad.com if you would like more details or would like to contact me.

  3. I am a 41 year old mom of a 7 year old and 12 month old son. I have never smoked nor lived with a smoker. I've just been diagnosed with stage 4 nsclc. I am desperately looking for anyone who has survived this. Mine is in my right lung, lymph and right shoulder. I have had one round of taxol/cp. If there is anyone out there who can offer some inspiration I would greatly appreciate it.


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