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  1. Thanks Donna, I think it is going to be worthwhile. Pamee
  2. I am new to this board, but not to Lung cancer - I have been battling the beast for 3 years - but just can upon this board - I am not sure why I haven't found it before - I donate to this foundation regularly but just guess I didn't go into the website far enough. Anyway, my name is Pamee, I am 49 years old, divorced, a never smoker who has adenocarcinoma with BAC Stage IV. My cancer was found when I was deployed to Qatar with the Air Force Reserves - I had a chronic cough that just would not go away - so they just decided to do a chest x-ray as a last ditch effort - and low and behold - I had something there - the next day I was sent to Doha for a CT scan where they determined that I had 6 tumors in my lungs - I was medevaced to Landstuhl Germany the next day - my first hope was that it was a fungus in my lungs and I was sent back to my home base after a week - but after several tests and 2 months, thinking I had ovarian, kidney and liver cancer - it sounded good to only have lung cancer - of course that was before I knew my lung cancer was terminal - boy you learn a lot fast. I was told I only had 12-18 months - that is another thing I learned - I don't let anyone put an expiration date on me because God didn't put one on me anywhere so I am not going to let anyone here on earth start! I have been treated with 6 rounds of carboplatin/gemzar, 18 months of Tarceva, 3 rounds of Alimta and now I am presently on Taxotere and have had 14 treatments which I will stay with as long as my cancer stays stable. I just recently had a brain MRI and had a lesion that is suspicious so I have an appointment with a Neurosurgeon this Thursday 5 Feb, I will be happy to see what he thinks this is and if it is something to be concerned about. I do not worry about anything I leave it all in the hands of God - He has brought me this far and I feel very blessed- so I figure why mess with a good thing. I look forward to meeting everyone. Pamee
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