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Posts posted by air

  1. thank you all so much for your kind and encouraging replies! we have great hope for the tarceva--he's in a clinical study so his first scan will be in 9 weeks. isaid he started on feb 3, but i was confused. it was actually the 10th, just two days ago, so no side effects yet. right now he's recovering from the pleurodesis. he's a bit better each day, but it has been very difficult.

    i'm sure many of you have had the same experience: he is a very vital, active, healthy man, and all of those things seem to have changed in the wink of an eye. hopefully tarceva will stabilize things and he can get back to something of his old routines.

    i am so glad that i found this site!

  2. i've been reading this site a lot over the last few days and am inspired and cheered by all of your stories.

    my 68 year old otherwise healthy father was diagnosed with 3b adenocarcinoma with a malignant pleural effusion one month ago. he's had the effusion drained in hospital, been sent home with a temporary drain, and last week had pleurodesis. he had to stay a bit longer with a chest tube and has been sent home with a drain, but hopes that it will be removed on friday (very little fluid is now being drained). he started tarceva on monday, february 3.

    i haven't seen many success stories with wet 3b is involved. is this because it is relatively rare, or because it tends to progress quickly? my dad is across the country and i have two small children. i want to see as much of him as i can (i've already been twice and it has only been a month!) but i need to plan in advance. i was planning to take my boys to see their beloved grandfather in the summer, but now i'm worried...

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