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Posts posted by Ilovemypoppop

  1. I still find it hard to believe that I found out about my PoP-Pops cancer on 2/16/09, and he quickly passed away less than 2 months later. With everyday that goes by, I was expecting it to get easier, but my overwhelming grief has almost gotten worse. I can't get by one day without crying. When will this get easier? I miss him so much, I can almost physically feel my heart breaking.

  2. Dr. William AckermanACKERMAN, Dr. William Of Washington Twp., NJ, age 82, passed away on April 12, 2009 at home. Born in Phila., he lived in Williamstown before moving to Washington Twp. Dr. Ackerman was a Navy veteran of WWII and a member of the Park Place Veterans. He was a graduate of North East High School in Phila., where he graduated with honors. He graduated second in his class at Temple University Dental School, where he also graduated with honors. Dr. Ackerman was a dentist in Williamstown for fifty two years. He enjoyed golfing with his family and friends. Beloved husband of Dorothy Ackerman (nee May). Devoted father of Dr. Michael Ackerman (Gwen), Dr. Barry Ackerman and Iris Stecki (Michael). Dear brother of the late Bertha Freedman and the late Eleanor Good. Dear step father of Danny Israel and Robert Israel. Loving grandfather of 13 grandchildren. Dr. Ackerman was pre-deceased by his first wife Minerva Ackerman (nee Saft). Relatives and friends are invited to call on Friday from 9:00 - 11:00 am at the FARNELLI FUNERAL HOME, 504 N. Main Street, Williams-town, NJ, where a service will follow at 11:00 am. Burial Crescent Burial Park, Pennsauken. In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to "Friends Needing Friends", A Widows Support Group, 359 Chapel Heights Road, Sewell, NJ 08080.

  3. Jesus rose from the dead today, and decided to bring my Pop-Pop with him to heaven early this morning. Thank you Pop-Pop for almost 30 years of brilliant memories! 

  4. I would first like to thank everyone on this website for being so kind and caring. Even though I only joined 2 short months ago, I appreciate every comment that was made on behalf of my Pop-Pop.

    He is still with us today, but hospice told us it could be a matter of hours or possibly a few more days. They said that they never saw someone go downhill this fast. Monday night, we received a call from his wife, letting us know that "this was it" and to get over there to say our last goodbyes. His pastor was there praying with him, and they even got in touch with the funeral home to inform them of our situation. Well today is Wednesday and he is still holding on. Why and how...I do not know. I do feel a sense of comfort that he is in no physical pain, and he is exactly where he wanted to be in his final days......at home! This will be my last post regarding updates on my Pop-Pop's condition. When the time comes for him to leave this life, I will post again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  5. Well, this past Monday I was able to have a wonderful 15 minute conversation with my Pop-Pop. Four days later, I got a phone call I was not expecting. My Pop-Pop is going down really quick, and he is basically in a drug induced coma. I don't think I have cried that hard in years. I have been preparing myself for this, but I had some hope when the Doctors said he could have a few months left. I guess I didn't think things were going to progress so quickly. Please pray for him, that he does not suffer, and is not in pain. I will post again when I have more information.

  6. Well, nothing really to report on with my Pop-Pop. Hospice started coming to his house this week. As I said in earlier posts, all treatment has stopped and right now we are concentrating on his comfort level. Hospice started him on a drug today called Dilaudid. I know they prescribed this because he is allergic to morphine. Does anyone have any experience with this drug and is their any side affects that I should be aware of. I read that this drug helps slow down his breathing. Does this mean that they are expecting him to go quickly? I just have so many questions, and I hate asking his wife all of the time because she is dealing with him on a 24 hour basis.

  7. So today was the big day, aka meeting with all of the doctors. Long story short, they told my Pop-Pop that he was terminal and there is nothing more that can be done, except to keep him on the oxygen and to keep him comfortable. All treatment and home care (PT & OT) have been called off. The Doctor said he should hopefully have a few months at best. We will be contacting hospice tomorrow. Sorry to sound like a drama queen, but I think I need to have a good cry right now...

  8. Hi everyone,

    Not too much change with my Pop-Pop, but I guess I just needed to vent. He is at home on oxygen 24 hours a day. I have not seen him in 2 weeks and Wow...he went from walking around the room, to not being able to get up, or talk with out taking long breaths in between words. The saddest part, was my little brother flew in from Iowa to see him. My brother is in Chiropractic school out there, so he only comes home on holiday's. It was so sad watching my brother say goodbye to him yesterday. As much as I believe in miracles and cures, my brother and I also have to think realistically. The Doctor's have basically told us that he is not a candidate for surgery, I.V Chemo, or radiation. Wednesday, he is having the "Big" meeting with all of his Doctor's to see what is next. He was on the Tarceva for only 3 days last time, and they believe that it might have been the Tarceva that brought back his pneumonia. I am just really sad right now. People keep telling me how fortunate my PopPop is that he has lead such a long and healthy life, but those words do not comfort me at this moment. Everytime my cell phone rings, and I see it is from a family member, my heart skips a beat. Sorry for rambling on, but I feel better when I get things off my chest. When I talk about them, I tend to cry, but when I write things down, I can step back and look at the big picture, and fight back the tears........

  9. Hey all,

    My Pop-Pop came home from the hospital yesterday. It was confirmed that he it now on his forth bought of pneumonia since December. All Chemo treatments have been suspended due to his condition. He is now on oxygen pretty much 24/7. He has nurses, respitory specialists and all sorts of people checking on him. I am just scared that the pneumonia is going to take awhile to improve, and it will be too late to restart the Tarceva. He may look young, but he is 82 years old and is a very sick man. I just need some words of advice. I just feel so lost and upset. I have been trying to be the strong one for the family, but on the inside I am a wreck....... :cry:

  10. Hey all, well here is the latest. My pop-pop is still in the hospital. He was put on oxygen for the first time today. His scans show no new growth. He has a bunch of fluid around his heart and in his lungs. They are going to give him a lasic (sp???) to help get rid of the fluid. I think they are trying to determine where and what the root of the fluid buildup is. I guess this is going to be a day by day process. I guess the most upsetting thing for me is not knowing what will happen next....fingers crossed until next time!

  11. Hi everyone. I said I would keep everyone updated on my Pop-Pop's status. Even though I am writing to strangers, I find it oddly therapeutic. My pop-pop was admitted to the hospital today after a pretty sick weekend. He kept spiking a high fever. Hopefully the hospital can figure out what is going on...make him better...and get him back on the Tarceva. I am praying this is a minor setback!

  12. Thanks Ned & Nick for your advice. My Mom-Mom passed away 20 years ago when I was 10, and my Pop-Pop remarried. I know she is at least 12 years younger than my Pop-Pop, so the positive thing, is that his wife is in excellent health and is able to provide full support and care for him. I live about an hour away, but I am going to make it a point to visit as much as I can. I will let his wife know about your great advice!! Thanks again!

  13. Thanks guys for the sweet and quick responses. He is actually at home, getting better (from the pneumonia) and just needs to see his Doctor so he can give him the go ahead with the Chemo pill. My Pop-Pop is one tough cookie, so I am praying that he can physically handle all of this. Up until 3 years ago, he was either the oldest or one of the oldest practicing dentists in NJ and still is an avid gold player. So he is not your typical 82 year old Pop-Pop. I think that is what is making this so hard to comprehend. I am the oldest grandchild (30) so right now, I am just making sure I remain positive for everyone :lol:

  14. I just found out last week my 82 year old Pop-Pop has stage IV NSCLC adenocarcinoma of the lungs.

    He smoked many years ago, was a dentist for almost 60 years and was in the Navy and worked on the boats, so I sure all of those toxins had something to do with his condition. He has tumors throughout both of his lungs. Right now he still has pneumonia, so he is not able to start his chemo pill (Tarceva.) Surgery is not an option due to a blood disorder he has. I went to go visit him this past weekend and he looks like a skeleton.

    I have been absolutely devastated since I got the news last week.

    He went in the hospital a few weeks ago with his second bought of pneumonia in 3 months. They found the cancer this time.

    What should I expect with this type of cancer? I know every cancer is different, but a general prognosis on this type of cancer would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!

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