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Posts posted by pixie

  1. I was taking my morning walk yesterday and ran into a guy that my sister knows who used to sell chemotherapy drugs. He asked about my lc and when I told him what my treatment plan was he immediately told me I had 6 to 9 months to live. He also said I should change doctors! I have been told by 4 doctors what I am doing is the normal protocol for Stage 4 LC.

    I just wanted to check to see if any of you got treatment at the big ones - TX, Sloan Kettering? If no, where did you get your treatment!

    He really scared me.

  2. Hi, it's Pixie again and I have just had my 3rd chemo and I am feeling pretty sick and week today. I am meeting my doctor next Wednesday and will be scheduled for a CT Scan to see if the cancer is stable or if it is shrinking any. The dr. says they are just looking for stability. I am on Carboplatin and Taxotere and have been doing well most of the time.

    Thanks for being there for me. It is hard to find a Lung Cancer Support group in Richmond VA.

  3. I am Pixie Williams from Richmond VA and have just found your website and so happy I did. It seems everyone I meet has breast cancer and no one with Lung Cancer. I was diagnosed the Lung Cancer in my left lung about 2 months ago and it has not been an easy experience. I have a mass that is about 7 cm and had also moved into one of my adrenaline glands. I have started chemo and have had my second treatment. I am not a candidate for surgery or radiation. I have a huge support group including family and friends. It is really scary as you don't know what is going to happen. I just don't want to die but do feel most of the time that I am going to be ok.

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