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Posts posted by JimW

  1. I had the same feeling about Ada. I didn't want time to go by because the more time that went by the more Ada was in the past. It has been over two years now and this feeling has subsided somewhat - but I can relate to what you are feeling.



    It was two years on September 20th that Ada died. It is still tough living without her but I'm doing OK. I still check in on the board once in a while to keep up with things. It is still the positive and supportive place that Ada loved. I think Ada would have wanted me to post -


  2. Ginny,

    Congradulations on the house - I need to start working on the same thing. Sorry about the Eagles - maybe next year it will be the Eagles and the Steelers. Of course that means the Eagles would have to lose again.


  3. Ginny,

    I saw your post - I hope you are doing OK. Four months is not a long time and the holidays are tough. I know you have great support - you deserve it - with all the support you give others. I think of Earl every time the Eagles are on television. Maybe it will be the Eagles and the Steelers in the Super Bowl (Earl and I would have had an issue then). I know what you mean about everyone thinking you are doing OK - but your not doing that great when you are alone and have time to think. I still get that sudden sadness sometime when I'm driving or alone at night. It's been 15 months since Ada has been gone - It's so hard to adjust to losing your soul mate - Your were such a good friend to Ada - She really valued your friendship. I hope you find peace and have a good holiday.


  4. Ginny,

    Nothing better than mountains and "cranberry juice" to lift the spirits. We have a cabin in the Chambersburg/Gettsburg area - no place better to relax and get your mind straight. I'm happy to hear you had a good time. I'm sure your family is giving you lots of support and comfort.


  5. It will be one year tomorrow that I lost Ada. It has been tough year and I miss her very much. I haven't posted much but I check in often. I find it difficult sometimes but I know this place was so important to her. I don't know how many people here remember Ada - there are so many new members. But I know there are still some of her friends out there. She was a wonderful person who cared so much for others and especially this group. I just wanted to honor her by mentioning the one year anniversary. When Ginny's Earl passed away it really seemed to affect me - Ginny and Ada had become good friends and talked often on the phone. It just seemed like another chapter closing. In general I am coping fairly well - my kids are great and my job keeps me in a constant "overload" state (one of those good news bad news things). Going back to PA for my 40th HS reunion next month. It will be good to see some "old" friends. Anyhow, thanks for listening - continuing to hope for the very best for everyone here.


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