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Posts posted by ddiana06

  1. Thanks fillisie I dont know how I missed this post but Ive been in alot of pain since the surgery, I have an appt tommorrow to hopefully get me some help. Im also a recovering addict so I had one hell of a hospital stay was treated real bad. But I also have liver problems too. But it hurts to sit in my computer chair so I havent been online much lately Ill let ya know what they say tommorrow as far as getting me some relief. deb :wink:

  2. Well Bruce I hope I have the same incentive as you did. I see you show your clear now Im so happy for you. Thanks for making me feel not so bad that Im still puffing but Im just so nervous. Well everyone please say a prayer for me or well wishes that this goes good Im leaving tommorow early for my MIL's house cause its half way to the hospital Ill spend the night and surgery on Wednesday so Im hoping to talk to all of ya by Saturday, thank you all so much for all your help, advice, and well wishes know that I wish you all the same. ttys :wink:

  3. Jstdzy, that will be me I know it although I did cut back 1 whole pack a day I used to smoke 2 packs a day so to me I feel like Ive done something about it but surgeon says it doesnt matter if its one or 2 packs so I have a rx for chantix at the pharmacy that I could not afford to pick up and told them to hold it maybe I can get through the hospital? Is that the way you did it? I figured that would be my quit date. :roll: You know as a recovering addict Ive given up all my vices and I feel like a little kid having to give up my last toy. As sick as that sounds, I know I could have worse problems if I keep smoking like emphysema or COPD so I am really gonna quit. Thanks for telling me that now I dont feel like such an nutcase. I hope that didnt sound bad but you KWIM dont ya? Thanks hon ttyl deb :wink:

  4. Thanks Susan,

    Yes I agree I live with my mom and am still with my kids father after 25yrs but due to addiction problems we dont live together just me and the 2 girls, but my mom will take good care of the kids as the hospital is 125 miles away from my home they wont be able to visit as she is giving him the car to tend to my needs while in the hospital and when I get released. Important point both of us are in recovery we both had very serious addiction problems yrs ago, but thanks for looking out for me. They beings my mom and hubby (I call em, hell after 25 yrs) are well aware of my situation and the seriousness of it. You know the girl who sent me to this site is a surgical nurse and she see's this type of surgery done all the time she says and has really made me feel better but I do realize I dont know how bad it is till they get in there and see. Any other ?'s or advice I love getting both funny just as I was typing this the hospital called and told me that I had to have 1 more test done a respirtory test and I told her I did that already the nurse found it and said good then thats all :shock: and who was it that told me I was in good hands lol???) another nurse will call and tell me all the fasting and stuff like that later today or tommorrow. Thanks again as I can use any info I can get my hands on and I think you all since you've either been there or are going like me are the best people to talk to. deb :wink:

  5. Hi to all of you and thanks for so much info, Im must say though alot of the procedures that you all spoke of and used the letters to shorten the name I have no clue what they are but here is my situation when I had my Pet Scan done I had 8 lymphnoids going down the middle of my lungs that lit up and one nodule on my lung that lit up but after biopsy they tell me the lymphnoids were not cancerous, I ask why did they light up then and they replied they could of been inflammed which is how I found the nodule to begin with was a trip to the ER over acid reflux. Now this surgeon says they will remove the nodule by doing this lung resection but it lists as one of you said that it could be this or that depending on what they see when they get in there, so is it better to have the long incision so they can see that they are getting it all? Im sorry for all the ?'s its getting close to the date and Im getting very nervous. I remember my gallbladder got removed right before they came out with the three whole thing so I had a large incision for that and for a cessarion with my first daughter who turned 16 today. I just worry that my liver with the Hep C and possible early stage of scirrosis that can my liver handle this I would hope that if they thought is couldnt they would not of told me I was operable. The thing that really stinks is as soon as I recover from the cancer removal they want to start me on interferon for my liver which I hear is almost like chemo. Im just so scared not so much for me but for my mom and 2 kids and their dad I dont want them to lose me at such a young age I want to be here for them and its real hard to pretend everything is ok, Ive downplayed how bad it is to them but had to tell them about the cancer and liver problems so they have an idea of whats going on. Im just so scared. You guys are all really cool folks and I wish you health and happiness and thanks for pulling for me. :wink:

  6. Wow thanks everyone well surgery is set for November 4th yes in 3 days and Im not gonna do the second opinion thing as Ive been told by many that Im at the best hospital I could be, that I was in good hands. I think the larger incision is so that there is less potential for them digging around a small incision where there may be more of a chance of one of them getting poked therefore contracting HepC but idk I am supposed to have the lung resection but it does say I may have the wedge thing done too depending on what they see when they get in there. Do you think their are high risks with this? Im still sneeking a smoke here and there which I know what do I need a cast iron skillet to hit me in the head? :oops: But thanks to all of you for your advice but Im gonna go ahead and get it done "get her done" lol Im trying to stay in good spirits but I have my moments. But I will update you all when I get home probably friday or Sat. Thanks for the welcome. I feel at home already. thanks alot :wink: deb

  7. Hi Im new here referred by someone whom said she used to live on this site when her mom was diagnosed with cancer and she said you all are great people.

    My name is Debbie and I have Lung Cancer and HepC possibly early stage cirrosis. Im scheduled to have a Lung Resection. Im hoping someone here can give me some info for what I am in for, the only thing is the doc said because of my HepC they most likely will have to do a large incision to make sure she's safe and her team so idk has anyone had this done? Thanks so much deb :wink:

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