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Posts posted by K-boogie01

  1. Hello all! I thought that I would drop by to give an update on my hubby. He just completed his 1st 12 weeks of chemo. Things are looking very hopeful. The tumors in his lungs have shrunk down from half of their original sizes. His lympe nodes have went down significantly as well. They will continue treatments through March. He will then take another Pet Scan. His doctor is hoping that this will wipe out the remainder of the tumors and no surgery will have to be involved.

    Now on to the other stuff. He finally broke down and told me that he was diagnosed as Stage 4. This is due to the mass that they found in his back. The doctors said that if the chemo doesn't get that...radiation will. Right now..they are really focusing on the tumors in his lung.

    It has indeed been a roller coaster ride both physically and emotionally. His side effects are headaches, tiredness, mild diarreah and feet pain. We are just staying prayerful. With God all things are possible.

  2. Thank u all for your comments! Right now he is on Carbo/Taxol. He is scheduled to do 12 weeks..3 on and 1 off. They also did a PET scan and found that he has cancer in his lympe nodes and in the bottom of his back (which we still have told our parents about). His dr said that he would treat the rest with radiation afterwards. This has really thrown us for a loop as he went to the dr thinking he had Bronchitis but he came home with the title of cancer. It took me about 3 weeks b4 I could even say the C word w/o crying.

  3. My 44 year old husband was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the lung on Oct 2nd of this year. He is not a smoker. He began chemotherapy on Oct 9th. I'm finding that this is just as emotional as it is physical.


    Hello all! I thought that I would drop by to give an update on my hubby. He just completed his 1st 12 weeks of chemo. Things are looking very hopeful. The tumors in his lungs have shrunk down from half of their original sizes. His lympe nodes have went down significantly as well. They will continue treatments through March. He will then take another Pet Scan. His doctor is hoping that this will wipe out the remainder of the tumors and no surgery will have to be involved.

    Now on to the other stuff. He finally broke down and told me that he was diagnosed as Stage 4. This is due to the mass that they found in his back. The doctors said that if the chemo doesn't get that...radiation will. Right now..they are really focusing on the tumors in his lung.

    It has indeed been a roller coaster ride both physically and emotionally. His side effects are headaches, tiredness, mild diarreah and feet pain. We are just staying prayerful. With God all things are possible.

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