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Posts posted by indydorsey13

  1. I am not sure if I introduced myself on this site in the past mo...

    so much going on....My husband was diagnosed with stage III-B lung cancer, inoperable due to the fact that it is behind his heart in his chest wall.... No treatment started yet....was told that his cancer is fast growing and aggressive....6 wks. have passed...scheduled for chemo & rad. last Wed...... had meeting with surgeon who gave us hope that he could do surgery !!!! ( Rad & Chemo. was canceled which was only scheduled to lessen his chest pain & cough ) Took our hope for surgery away 2 days later...no surgery..

    He has had all the test, scans, oncology meeting, biopsies, this week: lung scan, pet scan, but no treatment started yet....Next appt. is on the 17th with Radiation & on to oncologist on the 20th.... Stressful is an under statement of this emotional roller coaster... Communication with anyone in similar situation greatly appreciated ( or have had some experience with Lung cancer )... send email !

  2. Just got home from husband's pet scan...We should have more answers from the result of this pet scan.... This cancer is a roller coaster... I am not sure why it's taken 5 wks. for him to get any treatment started....His next scheduled appt. is Nov. 17 for radiation / chemo consultation (?) He goes back to see oncologist on Nov. 20... We were told it's a fast growing cancer from the first biopsy.... I know his cough & chest pain is getting worse.... I will call again today for an answer as to why 5 wks., and no treatment started..... I am hoping that "maybe" someone is considering surgery again,and this could be the reason for the pet scan !!! ( I don't really believe that is a FACT though )...just wishful thinking...The oncology surgeon told us at one point ( last week ) that surgery could be done which would mean removing left lung......plan changed again within 2 days, and then a pet scan !!!! confused ! I am VERY new to this site.....like it, but am still learning how to use it to get the most from it.

  3. "Donna G"]Welcome and I am glad you found us. I wonder why they are taking 2 months from diagnosis to start chemo. Boy that sounds like a long time. Seems I had about a week of tests, the next week I met with the Onocologist, Radiology, and surgeon ( in hopes I would become operable which I did) then it started. Did you see anyone for a second opinion?

    Keep us posted.

    Donna G

  4. My husband was diagnosed with NSCLC on Sept. 28th.....inoperable due to the fact that it's behind his heart, and possibly attached to his aorta..He has had many test, scans, e-rays, etc....lung scan today & pet scan tomorrow... I am concerned that it's 5 wks. since diagnosis, and no actual treatment started...His cancer is aggressive & fast growing... I left mes. with oncologist today about my concern....I would like to communicate with anyone who has had experience with this kind of cancer. (I think he will start chemo & radiation by the end of Nov.) His prognosis is not good... I am very concerned.

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