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Frank Fellmer

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Posts posted by Frank Fellmer

  1. Thank you all for your support and suggestions on how to deal with Chemo and some encouraging words based on your own experience. I have taken them to heart and will apply the lessons learned when the time comes. First day of chemo is today so we will see how it goes. I am sorry if I do not get to read your posts as often as I would like but I do get to them so pls keep them coming.


  2. I am beginning the journey you have just been through. I hope I have the fortitude and intelligence you have displayed in your pursuit of the right course of action for your mom. I have started a similar post under sarcomatoid carcinoma of the lung (pleura) if you care to read it. Anything you might offer me based on your experience would be helpful. I found cancercompass thanks to you. Is there any others that you found particularly useful?

    Many Thanks for your post. It is inspirational

  3. This is the beginning of a journey I will document here. A month ago my wife was diagnosed with sarcomatoid carcinoma of the lung Pleura. It is stage 4, very aggressive and quite rare apparently. The cancer has matastisized (SP)to her spine and affected her legs and mobility. She has undertaken 10 sessions of radiation targeting known tumors and will begin chemotherapy jan 11th. If anyone has any info on this type of cancer I would like to hear about it. Being so rare I can find no written material so I do not hold out a lot of hope for others having information on it. Good health to you all. :wink:

    February 13/10

    Scheduled Chemo never happened. Blood count is too weak. Took new blood test last week at home and waiting for results. My wife is now bed ridden with no use of her legs and incontinent. Her spirits are amazingly positive but she is also resigned to her fate as she calls it. She now believes that to proceed with chemo in her weakened state would kill her. I find it hard to disagree with that at the moment. It is now a waiting game a very difficult period with the feeling of being completely powerless to help her get better. Will she get stronger to allow chemo or will she gradually deteriorate. I believe the later to be true as she is now having trouble expressing herself as a result of the mets in her head. She is on morphine patches and pills along with steroids. This keeps her comfortable during these difficult times. I will be back again as conditions change. Wishing all of you the best of luck with your cancer or with coping with cancer in your loved one.


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