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Posts posted by worrieddaughter

  1. Thank you so much for all of your positive replies.

    Mum has been taking an anti-inflamatory pill since Wednesday and she has been like a different person - she went for a walk yesterday (without oxygen) and said she walked the equivalent of about 4 holes of golf! It just shows that once the pain is under control, the rest may follow.

    Thanks again for your kind words.


  2. Hi there.

    Will try and condense to a short story. My Mum, whos now 66 had a very bad car accident over 10 years ago, she suffered a punctured lung and was in ITC on a ventilator. Following the accident, her breathing was never back to normal and her GP treated her for asthma but we were never sure it was asthma that she had. Last summer my sister and I noticed that she was struggling with her breathing more than usual - she walked very slowly and inclines were even more dificult. Eventually, after several visits to her GP and new breathing tests, she was, in December diagnosed with COPD. After researching this online, my sister discovered that the symptoms can be similar to lung cancer and that an xray would be neeeded.

    Fast forward a couple of months and my mum was diagnosed with stage 2 NSCLC. She went into hospital 6 weeks ago and the bottom lobe of her right lung was removed and it turns out she had a 5inch (12.5 cm) tumour removed. Her lymph nodes weren't infected and PET scans have shown that there is no cancer anywhere else, however she does still have COPD

    Mum is really struggling though since the operation. She has come home on portable oxygen, which is to be used when she is active. It takes very little for her to be knackered and she goes on the oxygen as soon as she has showered and washed her hair. However, she doesn't like going out with the oxygen, as she is too embarrassed to be seen with it, so she isn't building up any strength again and is very weak.

    Apparently, at the size of her tumour, it is usual practise to offer chemo. After speaking with her oncologist, they decided that she isn't strong enough for chemo and said,that in her case the negatives will outweigh the positives and as far as they are concerned all the tumour has been removed.

    I'm hoping I will be able to find out through this site, how long it will take for her to feel more like herself? When will the intense pains subside? will her breathing ever get back to normal?

    Is there anyone who can help me, because although her treatment was fantastic, the aftercare has been a bit lacking. When she asked the oncologist, she was told 'its early days', which obviously it is but how long is this road???

    Sorry for the really long post and for all the questions. Hoping you can help.

    Kay x

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