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Posts posted by debbie70

  1. in the first week of march i was having chest pains which i associated with a cold i was getting over and then i started coughing up blood so i went to the hospital er and they did a lung x ray which showed something and they also did a ct scan which showed a large pulmonary mass on my left lung turns out a had pneumonia which they treated me for and most of the pain went away two weeks later i had a pet scan which was positive and then in may i had a bronchoscopy and turns out the tumor is laying on one of my airways almost closing it off i am waiting on the results of the biopsy in the meantime i have talked with the thorasic surgeon and she said that they will more than likely have to take out my whole lung as it is laying against my pulmonary artery as soon as i get results back from biopsy i have to have brain scan and then surgery so i guess its just a waiting game i have seen pulmonary spec. have had breathing test to see if i can function with just one lung and seen onc and thoracic surgeon they have stated that it is cancer for sure this is a 8cm size tumor which they say is big but i dont really know they are amazed that i am in such great health for a tumor of that size and it hasnt spread so i consider myself blessed cancer or not

  2. hi i am new to this whole thing so please all bare with me i was dx with lung cancer in march of 2010 so far it is contained in my left lung(8cm) with no sign of spreading any farther i have read 100s of post on here and my heart goes out to each and every one of you my issue is since i have been diagnosed i feel no emotion towards the whole thing i go on with my day to day life as if the doctors never told me that i had cancer is this normal or am i going to wake up one day and just totally freak out i know that its very serious and my family and friends are all worried about me and wonder why im not more concerned about it myself is this normal ive never really been sick but watched my grandfather who i loved dearly die of lung cancer im not really sure how i should act and would really just like someone to talk to i have a hard time talking with my family and friends because i see how it distresses them

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