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heartbroken grandaughter

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Posts posted by heartbroken grandaughter

  1. My grandma is not on chemo her doctor does not think it will help. Any information you have at all would be greatly appreciated. I am looking into anything that may help her. Again thanks for your help.

  2. I wonder why the Essiac tea would cause harm to the Iressa? I am not sure my grandma's doctor would even know what the tea is. I asked him about sugar at her last appointment and he said that no diets will help and that sugar does not fead cancer. I have heard many things to contradict that, so either he is uneducated or he doesn't like any alternative supplements. He is her oncologist too which makes me think she needs a different one.

  3. thanks for clearing that up for me I guess I am not a doctor. Again I thank you all for your prayers and wish you and yours the same. I am hoping that together we can stick it out and hopefully find a cure. I will not accept anything else for my grandma or anyone else. I am looking into reiki treatments. Has anyone tried this?

  4. They started her on a clinical trial of Iressa and Celebrex together. My only thought was that they said that most of the cancer was in the right lung and with surgery wouldn't this prolong her life? My grandmother is 70 and very healthy her cancer wasn't from smoking and she isn't weak or sickly looking. It is hard to accept that it is either this trial or nothing.

  5. Well at this point they are saying that chemo isn't an option. They are putting her on a clinical trial. The drug is supposed to stop the growth of the cancer but if it doesn't work then there is nothing they can do. They say that surgery isn't an option because the cancer is in both lungs. At this point I still do not understand why they couldn't transplant one lung, make sure her body is taking to it and remove the other. I know I would gladly donate my lung to the cause. I can't help thinking that if my grandmother was someone famous then they would present this as an option. She is a wonderful woman and I will not just accept this as her fate because she deserves that and so much more. Thank you all for your prayers and guidance.


  6. My grandmother was just disgnosed with cancer. I don't have all of the facts yet becuase some tests have not come back but the doctors believe the lung cancer has metastized to her spine. If this is the case they say they cannot operate. What I am not understanding is why they won't operate if it has metastized. Is it possible to operate on the lung and then do a bone marrow transplant to fix the bone? I already have a donor lined up to do it. I love my grandmother vey much and I would do anything to see her get well again. Any tips I would surely appreciate.

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