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Posts posted by ben_adams

  1. Thanks for the post and for your kind thoughts, which are much appreciated!

    I am now going to arrange for an appointment with the doc this week and go from there.

    So, for a range of reasons, it sounds like I should basically *insist* on a CT scan this time then, is that something it's possible you can do...??

    The reason I'm concerned about cancer is not just the smoking history but the fact that the problem has spread to both sides of the lungs and the pain (which wasn't always that noticeable) is now much worse and more noticeable. So it's *very* good to hear it could be something else but I don't wanto get my hopes up I have to admit.

    Anyways thanks again for that, I will keep you posted and I look forward to comments from others in the meantime:)


  2. I'm a lad in my late 30s.

    Until a few years ago I'd been smoking 10-20 a day since my early 20s. Just under 3 years ago, I went to the doc with a pain in the left side of my chest, a kind of low throb and sometimes a sharper stab in my lung area. He told me it was some kind of chest wall pain syndrome (can't remember the name) and told me it could come and go and I guess it did but I never really thought about it. Especially as I insisted at the time on a chest x-ray, which he didn't wand to do and more or less laughed at me when I insisted... but anyways I did it straight away, went back to the doc as a follow up, and he told me it was all clear.

    Last few months the pain's been back and much worse than before, feels like it's now spread to both lungs though still worse on my left side, where it's also sharper and more persistent. I also have a mildly sore throat and mild pain in my bottom left jaw or teeth area that comes and goes. I don't have any persistent cough but do seem to clear my throat a hell of a lot.

    Well the fact that I'm posting here tells you what I make of this, but what do you reckon? And if you agree with me, what can I do to get the doc to take me seriously this time? All thoughts and advice appreciated.


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