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jodi page

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Posts posted by jodi page

  1. Last year I started emailing a gentleman in England who had been diagnosed with Mesothelioma. He had gotten my contact information from the MARF website. Today I got an email from his wife stating he passed away on April 6th 2006. Although I had never meet this man face to face, I admired his spirit and zest for life. I will miss him but know he is in a better place and at rest from this fight. I want to share with you a poem he wrote, so you may know what a wonderful person he really was.

    My God Will Keep Me Safe

    My shadows are all gone now, for I stand tall in His light

    Earthly blindness disappears as forever I am in heavens sight

    This forlorn lamb has no longer lost its way

    For the Good Shepherd has taken me home to stay

    Amongst my loved ones I shall eternally smile

    And in Gods time we shall meet once more in a while

    Keith McFadzien Jones

  2. Hello all,

    I just had my 6 year check up at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. All my tests look great and there is nothing to be concerned about!! :lol: Mesothelioma didn't get me 6 years ago and it hasn't stopped me from living today. Life maybe different, but it is still good to be alive.


  3. Hello to all,

    I am still down in Rochester, MN and just finished seeing my doctors at the Mayo Clinic. I am told everything looks good, there is nothing to be concerned with, and that all tests look normal (normal for me!! :D ). I will be making the drive to Minneapolis shortly, but wanted to let everyone know I had a great check up!! :lol:


  4. Hello,

    I am the person Donna G. talked about. Today is my 6th year mark after surgery. I had the same fear as you did. What about my family and will they get this as well? I wish there was some test they could take to let us know, but there isn't. I'm just grateful that it was found early for me and that I was able to get treatment. There is a good web site that is dedicated to finding a cure for Meso and my story is posted on the site. It is www.marf.com They will be able to tell you more than I can and give you some hope. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!! If you would like to contact me, please feel free to do so.


  5. Hello All,

    I am writing an English paper on surviving cancer and/or an illness. I would love to know how life has changed for you after treatment. How you have won your life back from cancer and what you want people to know. What kept you going through treatment and what keeps you going now. How much has your life changed and in what ways. Anything you wish to share would be welcome. THANK YOU

    On a side note, Wednesday February 22nd is my sixth year mark. Who would have guessed I'd live this long? :)

  6. I just wanted to share my exciting news. I had my 4 year chech up last week at the Mayo clinic in Rochester, MN. I am cancer free!! :D it feels great to say that!!! all my love, Jodi Page

  7. barbara,

    Hi, I am a meso survivor of 4 years. I was looking at your site and didn't see anything on there about MARF. MARF in an nonprofit org. dedicated to meso research. their home page is marf.org. I have found them useful and have my profile on their website. thank you for putting together the site that you have. yours in the fight, Jodi Page

  8. Connie,

    It's good to read that everyday you are getting something removed or some small advance. I have called the hospital several times and have been unable to get a hold of you. I have wanted to come visit, but wanted the o.k. first:) I am always thinking of you and praying for you and your family. I would love to come visit you, at the hospital or home, it does not matter. I would also like to bring something for you and your family, as I know how boring the hospital can be:) please give me a call and let me know what I can do. Love, Jodi 612-789-5034

    p.s. Donna; thank you for all YOU are doing, your the best!!

  9. All the tests came back that I am cancer free!! I however now have Gastroesophageal Reflux Desease. The muscle on the right side of my neck has grown in size. Not sure what that means, but I'm hoping nothing. I'm also not swallowing correctly. I have to go back down to Mayo on August 22nd for more testing. I'm not sure how I feel about having ANOTHER medical problem. I can't help thinking 'what next?' :) I know i'll get through this as well. I just need to recover from 3 days away from home & family. Jodi

  10. Hi all. I just wanted to write and let you all know that yesterday I went down to the Mayo clinic in Rochester MN for my 3 & 1/2 year check up. the test came back negitive for cancer. I am now a 3 & 1/2 year survivor of Mesothelioma Cancer. it feels great to write that down and say that. I am however, still at the Mayo clinic. I have been having trouble swollowing the last few months. today I had a CT on my throat and tomorrow I will have an Ear/Nose/throat Consultation. I am alittle worried, but it's better to have test done and know than to not know at all. I will let you know what I find out. Jodi

  11. I wanted to thank everyone who responded to my posting about feeling alone. I read it every once in awhile and it always makes me feel better. on a side note, I go down to the Mayo clinic in Rochester MN, for my 3 & 1/2 year check up, on August 12th. I will let everyone know what happens. thanks once again for being who you are!! Jodi

  12. the last few months have been hard for me. i have been struggling with feelings of loneliness and not being able to connect with others. i am almost 30 and had my left lung removed in the year 2000. i lost contact with alot of friend while going through treatment. it is harder for me now to make friends. my limitations and other health factors make it hard to do everything i want and use to do. i am single and am not in a relationship and haven't been sense my cancer. i need help from those who have gone through this. any thoughts or suggestions are welcome. thank you, jodi

  13. tracy,

    i'm sorry to hear that your mom has meso (the short way of saying it) i hope her trip to the doctor goes well on tuesday. i'm sorry to be writing this so late, i have been sick, a virus is going around and i got it. anyway, it was really a miracle that the meso was found. i got pneumonia twice in a two week period. i finally went to a doctor and they saw an odd coloration on my upper left lung from a chest x-ray. it took several months to find out that it was meso and then because of my age it was hard for almost everyone to believe. i'm not sure how i got it and probably never will. it's going to be hard to deal with. i want you to know that most people die of this cancer and in a short amout of time. i'm not saying this to scare you, but to be truthful. medically they don't know alot and have very little treatment possibalities. i was lucky in that the Mayo clinic is in Minnesota and i went there for a second opinion. had i not i wouldn't be alive today. the best place to go more information and support is MARF. Mesothelioma applied research foundation inc. at www.marf.org they are up to date and working toward finding a cure for meso. i hope this has helped some and that i have answered your questions. i pray that what ever is decided about your mom's care will be the best thing for her. i believe in second opinions, without mine i would have missed out on alot. if you would like to email me directly my address is wholelung@yahoo.com good luck and god bless. jodi

  14. i want to thank those of you who have welcomed me and for giving me helpful hints. the question has come up in regards to what mesothelioma is. well, it's cancer of the cells lining the lung, between the lung and the rib cage and also can be found in the diaphragm. on February 22nd of this year i celebrated my 3 year mark of being cancer free. i just found out that on top of asthema, i am allergic to just about everything. on a good note, i am not allergic to any foods!! :D thanks again for the warm welcome. jodi

  15. Mesothelioma is cancer of the cells lining the lung, between the lung and rib cage, it can also be found in the abdomen. some argue that sense it is not cancer in the lung, that it shouldn't be in the lung cancer category. i disagree very much. the way they treat Mesothelioma is they remove your lung, all the lining, limp nodes, and diaphragm. i had this surgery and i'm still feeling the effects of living with one lung. i don't think anyother cancer group would have been able to help me out with this type of cancer, other than the lung cancer support group i am in. for more info on mesothelioma i would suggest going to www.marf.com or www.marf.org

    jodi page, 3 year mesothelioma survivor

  16. hello, my name is Jodi Page, i am 29 years old. i was diagnoised with Mesothelioma in December of 1999, at the age of 26. i had surgery, a left thoracotomy; radical extrapleural pneumonectomy. i recently found out i have asthma, and am having trouble finding the right meds for that. i would like to talk to and get to know more people dealing with Mesothelioma. why do they always give such long names to cancer? :D

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