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Posts posted by Chrissy123

  1. I just wanted to thank everyone who took a minute to reply to my post or simply read my post. My Mom lost her battle to lung-cancer on Friday, February 3rd. I have found great comfort in this site for the last 16 months. When I felt nobody knew what I was going through I came here and felt so much better. I felt as if you were all going through this with me.

    I will continue to pray for all of you and may God bless you all.


  2. Kind of hard to believe it's been a little over 9 months since I joined this support group. I wish I was visiting here with a positive update but unfortunately I'm not. As many of you know my mom had her entire left lung removed in April and she has never fully recovered. She lost quite a bit of weight from the surgery so the doctors recommended putting in a feeding tube in hopes of giving her more nutrition. The feeding tube was too painful so it was removed. My mom had an extreme amount of pain in her back and a bone scan found cancer on one of her ribs. On October 14th a new PET scan revealed her cancer has returned, it is spreading rapidly and now has another tumor behind her heart. The doctors said this isn't good and there is not much they can do but try to ease her pain. My mom talked it over with our family and was willing to do whatever we wanted. How can you ask your mother to go through more pain and suffering just to prolong the inevitable? Nothing seems fair these days.

    My mom is at home and we all know that's where she wants to be. We will be meeting with her team of doctors for advice on how we can keep her the most comfortable.

    I wish I had better news and I hope that this post doesn't discourage anyone from continuing the fight.


  3. I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful this site is. My mom was diagnosed with lung cancer in Jan and I have found great comfort in this community. Not only are they knowledgeable but they understand what you're going through. I hope you can find comfort in this community and you will most definetly be in my prayers.

  4. Hello Everyone!

    It's been quite awhile since I last posted on here and for that I apologize.

    My mom has finished all of her treatments...4 rounds of chemo and 38 radiation treatments. Her strength and courage during the last few months still leaves me speechless. Last week was our "big" meeting with her team of doctors and we received the best possible news I could have ever asked for. My mom's "inoperable" cancer is now operable. Her tumor shrunk so much that it actually detached itself from the aorta so her team of dr's has suggested they go in and try to remove the tumor. For those of you that are new to this, removing the tumor will also include removing the lower lobe of her right lung. The dr prepared us that he will not know how much of her right lung will need to be removed until he is in there. Unfortunately there is a possibility the entire right lung will be removed. Her surgery is scheduled for April 20th. We have been given a sense of hope and I wanted to thank all of you who have included my mom is your prayers. I will try to post again around the time of her surgery and keep you all updated. Until then you will all remain in my prayers.


  5. Hi Everyone,

    I'm not sure where to post this question so I'm going to add it to this post. Please correct me if I'm posting it in the wrong section.

    My mom has just finished her second week of chemo and her 8th radiation treatment. All in all she has been doing fairly well but for the last two nights she has had a very bad pain (mainly in the front and back of her chest.)

    We spoke to her oncologist and she said it sounds like an issue with her esophagus, which is said to be common. My mom said this pain feels more than just acid reflux or indigestion. We just gave her a Pepcid and antacid and seems to be doing a little better.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

    Thanks again for always being there and helping us out on this journey.


  6. Hi Everyone,

    My Mom had her PET scan on Wednesday and I'm happy to report that her cancer has not spread. As thankful as I am for this report I can't get over the reality of the situation...my mom has stage 3 lung cancer. Radiation treatment will be starting on Tuesday with 7 consecutive days of treatment. It worries me how her body is going to handle this but I guess I'll find out soon enough. The day she starts radiation will be exactly 2 weeks since she was diagnosed. I will be off work for the next 2-3 weeks so I am happy I will now get to offer some support along at all these appointments. We will be meeting with the oncologist on Monday to determine her chemotherapy schedule. Busy week ahead but I'm just extremely grateful I will get to be with her. Once again thank you all for posting replies and simply reading my story. Even though I do not personally know any of you I feel like we're all in this together. Your encouraging words are truly appreciated.

  7. Hi,

    I am 33 yrs old as well and my mom was just diagnosed with stage 3a lung cancer last wednesday. I know exactly what you are feeling. Ever since we found this out I feel as if my whole world has been destroyed. I go to sleep crying and wake up worrying about how I'm going to make it through the day. I just found this site today and for the first time in a week I feel like I am express myself to people who have/or are going through the same thing. I wish none of us had to feel this type of pain. Please know that I will say an extra prayer for you, your mom and family.

  8. Everyone talks about cancer and I've felt very fortunate to not be able to relate...until now. Last Wednesday my mom was diagnosed with stage 3a non-small cell lung cancer. In a matter of minutes I felt like my whole world came crashing down. My mom is 63 years old and has numerous other health issues such as Lupus, Sjogrens syndrome, asthma and a few other auto-immune diseases. Last week they found that the cancer was also found in a few of the lymph nodes by the mass. Unfortunatly the mass is so close (or even attached?) to the aorta that removing the mass is not an option. She will be having a PET scan on Wednesday and I will know more than. I feel completely lost and walk around in a daze. My mother is my world and I simply cannot imagine life without her. Thank you all for reading this and I will post again when I hear something.

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