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Posts posted by julieann

  1. sorry its been so long i just posted..that dad is still in alot of pain and its been two years. All of the chemo and stuff has been done for quite some time. For the past month he has been getting sick almost daily and is dizzy alot of the time. He is losing motivation to want to do much. I dont blame him thought its hard to get up and move around when hes always dizzy and falls down. Im very thankful that another holiday is coming and i get to spend it with him! GOD BLESS!

  2. Well its been awhile since i have posted anything. I just wanted to share that dad is doing better, physical therapy didnt do much, he gets very dizzy now were not sure why. He tried to go back to work but couldnt, since he was a truck driver it only worked for a few weeks. He is still in chronic pain and his feet are still numb. He describes that his arm feels like it weighs 900 pounds. This has been two years now. GOD BLESS EVERYONE WHO IS GOING THROUGH THIS! STAY STRONG!

  3. hospice probably isnt an option at this point.. i hope it doesnt go there either. I am being honest with myself to say that it might some day but for now hes got me :D .. Im doing everything that i can to help him throught this and without reading what you guys have wrote it would be alot harder!


  4. physical therapy is going good in my eyes..Dad thinks its a waste of time but anything to get him outa the house puts a big smile on my face! He did sit outside and enjoy seeing his grandchildren run around and shoot off fireworks for the fourth! Im so happy to have all the support that you guys have given me!!


  5. Judy,

    we are now back from the Mayo clinic and trying a new drug (cymbalta) and a cream to rub on his shoudler and arm. The cream doesnt help but the cymbalta helps him sleep at night! that is one good thing! Now i am struggling to rid him of the depression that he has been facing. I know that deep down my dad is a stong man and he can get through anything..right now though i need him to be there for himself! He is giving up..When i look at alot of the people that are on here it is so great and makes me happy that you are so positive!!!!! i just love it! and the fact that you are so willing to help! Dad doesnt want to get off the couch because it hurst so bad for him to move his arm. I tell him that its hurting him more to lay there every day. I completely understand that he is depressed and he is really hurting but i just want him to walk to the door and back or sit on the deck to get fresh air.. How do i help him if he wont help himself?

    While we were at the Mayo clinic in Rochester MN they seemed as though the last surgery my dad had on the ulner nerve relocation was a waste of money and time for us. They couldnt believe that another doctor would do that! thier words exactly were "dont let anyone cut and paste on you anymore!" This kind of stuff makes me so upset that we trust the doctors to help us.. makes me wonder what kind of care have i been taking my dad to for the past year?

  6. ok we finally got the insurance company to cover some of the cymbalta! yay! Im so excited..Dad has been using it for a week now. He starts off taking one pill for a week, then two pills for a week then three pills a day from there on out. He said that he slept GREAT the first night! he also takes tamezpam to assit in sleeping so with the one cymbalta and the sleeping pill he got some relief for the night. He did wake up sore the next day though because we think that he moved his arm alot more during the night bc he slept so well and did not wake up each time that he moved.

    Now my concern is that he is really having a terrible time getting motivated because he is hurting so bad. He doesnt want to do anything accept sit or lay down. He starts physical therapy this coming wednesday as his legs and arms have lost so much muscle. he is very nervous to start but i keep encouraging! i tell him that i am so proud and happy that i have such a stong dad to get through this! and i truly mean it!

    My question is though Alan, how do you get motivated to do things and what kind of things can i suggest my dad to do that wont put him in so much pain??

  7. Alan,

    My dad was taking 900 mg of the neurontin 3 times a day for almost 8 months. We were trying to decrease the number of medications that he was taking so one day he just stopped and didnt notice any difference in the amount of pain that he was having. Last tuesday we drove to MN to the Mayo clinic and they prescribed him some ketamin and lidocane mixture of a cream to apply to his arm and shoulder. He has used it twice now, he said it seemed to help a little bit. he also got a prescription for cymbalta its an antidepressant i think but the doctor mentioned that it should help with the pain. The only bad part of that is we havent tried it yet because it is $400! his insurance hasnt agreed to pay for is so far. They also mentioned trying Lyrica if this does not work. If that does not work they want to possibly try to implant a pump under his skin to put medication in that way. I dont know if that would be the morphine or something else. When we go to visit our doctors here in SD i will let you know more!

    Thank you so much for replying to my post! God Bless you Alan! Stay strong.

  8. About a year ago my dad was diagnosed with arthritis in his shoulder; come to find out that it was a pancoast tumor on the top of his right lung which was causing him an unmanageable amount of pain. After him demanding different tests that is when he found out that it was the tumor. He went through 25 radiation treatments and chemotherapy. this was done to reduce the size of the tumor so he could have the operation to remove 1/3 of his lung and onr rib and break another. In the process it damaged the nerves in the brachial plexus that lead down his right arm. The surgery was a success. The doctors even used the word "cured." This was great news for my family. After much more chemotherapy after the surgery...which the doctor admitted that he over-dosed my dad on...the cancer is still gone but my dad is still in chronic pain daily. Within the past two months he had a trial period of a spinal cord stimulator put in to try and "trick" his brain.. that means that the vibrations sent through the stimulator would meet up with the pain signals and dull them... this did not work. up until this time he had been on fentanyl patches.. those didnt help; neurontin...that didnt help; oxycontin..that eased the pain but made him hallucinat; oxy IR.. those are easing the pain slightly.

    A week and a half ago he had a nerve moved under his elbow to try to relieve some of the pressure that the nerve was under; the doctor also thought that it would be a good idea to do the carpul tunnel (sp?) surgery because it only took 8 more minutes. Now his arm is still in the splint and he is in more pain than ever.

    His feet are numb and it is very hard for him to walk. the doctor said its from the chemo and will never go away but his body might get used to it.. However that is what they said about the nerve damage too. After being in chronic pain for a year, my dad wishes he never would have went through with the surgery and that his days will end soon.

    I have never had to see anyone suffer so much in my entire life. Especially my dad, who has always been the stongest person that i have known. Im so proud of him for making it this far but will there ever be a solution to this pain? I hear that some people have survived this for over ten years? How did you get rid of the pain.. Please help us we are lost and suffering greatly.

  9. my dad is taking oxy ir and has had two surgerys to help..but none of them have helped.. now he is breaking down mentally.. has anyone found any relief of pain from this?

  10. hi! my name is julie. i have created an account for my dad. he has had surgery for a pancoast tumor and is still having alot of pain. the drs cant seem to find him any relief.... PLEASE help us with any information that you have we are desperate!

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