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Posts posted by Heather042786

  1. My name is Heather, I'm 25 years old and I'm a lung cancer survivor. I had two-thirds of my right lung removed on January 20, 2011. This weekend I attended the first annual Hope Summit in Washington, DC. I had a really great time and met some pretty amazing people. I'm still emotionally dealing with the fact that I ever had cancer. The past few months I've felt angry because I feel abandoned by many the people in my life who disappeared after I received my diagnosis.

    I'm a full-time college student at Wilmington University. I am currently a senior and will finish my classes at the end of the fall 2011 semester. I am majoring in Behavioral Science, and I plan to continue my education with a Master's degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and specialize in children & families. I work two jobs. One as a Certified Nursing Assistant, which I have been working every weekend for almost 6 years now. The last 3 years I have been a companion and advocate for an elderly woman in Philadelphia. I volunteer for the Big Brother/Big Sister organization as a Big Sister mentor, which I have been doing for a little over 1 year now.

    Since experiencing lung cancer I feel that I do not have many people to relate and talk to. I am glad that I have found LUNGevity and the wonderful people involved with the foundation. Also, I am happy that I have now discovered the discussion boards! Since my surgery I have found fundraising as a type of coping mechanism. It makes me feel good about myself to give back to a charity that I feel so strongly about. Experiencing lung cancer has been painful, uncomfortable, and a roller coaster of emotions. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone on the discussion boards, so send me a message :-) Also, during my experience with lung cancer I made a blog for friends, family etc to get information on my progress, thoughts, and general information about procedures/surgery. If you'd like to check it out go to:


    Talk to you soon!

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