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Posts posted by Jane4321

  1. Very important for the MRI, apparently they are more sensitive and pick up on more, I had every test possible I thought to pick up my cancer but the cancer in my back, hip and head went undetected by the PET, bone and CT scan but showed up on the MRI, just glad that I kept complaining about that back ache to my doctor. Only a minor set back though :) I believe it is all healing nicely and hopefully I will be walking again soon without assisstance from cane or walker. Keep your chin up :-) The radiation isn't bad I did it on my head and hip already and will be doing it on back now that hip is healing up. Also the radioligist was very optimistic about my head lesions.. he said in his 20 years of this profession he hadn't seen a SCLC patient that the head lesions hadn't gone away and is pretty positive they are gone or will be, they told me that the radiation continues to work up to 4 weeks after your last radiation treatment. So I'm sure they will be gone when I go back in September for a check! :)

  2. Thank you all for the get well wishes and good advice about not breaking anymore bones! :D I hope you all are doing well. Cindy I notice you say you have been in remission a year now? I wondered if you had quit smoking to reach this point? I quit when I had the back surgery I didn't really have much of a choice I was in the hospital bed for almost 3 weeks and had pretty much quit but then when my husband would go to smoke I would ask him if I could light it for him just to test myself... I didn't really like the taste... and it didn't really bother me when he smoked in front of me... and didn't really care for the smell.. but still I would just every now and then crave one even though I knew it tasted and smelled bad.... well I guess I tested myself too much cause now I'm back at it again I know I need to quit and it would help me along a lot more I'm going to try to quit again wish me luck on this! :? I'm going to need it lol it's a bit different when you have no choice to smoke as to I can here.


  3. Hey everyone, I doubt you all remember me I didn't get to post much before things went a bit crazy for me... I was having horrible back pain and what they thought was shingles... Well finally the back pain was totally uncontrolable from any pain killer and my oncologist admitted me into the hospital to do an emergency MRI which revealed I had cancer in my spine that had eaten away one of my vertebraes and my spinal chord was being squished flat, the neuro surgeon told me I was one lucky gal not to be paralyzed from the chest down(basically my back was broken), they did back surgery taking one of my ribs out and fixing me up with a new vertebrae which is healing up just fine but while I was there they found more cancer in my hip and head area :( so I had radiation in those areas and started a new chemo treatment cisplatin I believe.. I will have to look to see what chemo for sure.. Now all my hair has fallen out :( I know bummer but I'm sure it will grow back and will be worth it in the end. I ended up fracturing my hip and had to have a rod and screw put in recently as well, it got fragile from the radiation and I fell, I'm not sure the back brace they had me wearing was of no help either since it sat on my hip and hurt like crazy. But I am healing up just fine, no more back brace now just physical therapy to strengthen my back up again and I got the bandage and staples out of hip just recently woohoo no more sponge baths! Still having to walk with walker and cane until my knees get stronger, dern wobbly things :) but I have exercises that are suppose to help that.... Well that is my update, hope you all are doing fine I have yet to read through many posts as I have a chemo appt. this morning but I will be back! :) Until then as I said take care and see you all soon!


  4. I have been reading some information about demerol and I was wondering if anyone else by any chance is taking demerol for pain control. I was given hydrocodone but it made me sick also the duragesic patch made me very ill, I ended up dehydrated and my back was wrenched from all the illness since then I was taking percocet but had to take 2 for it to effect the pain any then I was switched to demerol that seems to help my chest and back pain pretty well, I'm just worried about the possible side affects I also read it helps to restrain the cough and I do notice since I quit taking the demerol on a regular basis (one every 4 hours) that my cough has gotten worse. Lately I have been only taking it in the mornings after my kids are off to school and then again at night before bed and in between there I take motrin (800 mg) Any feedback on this would be great. The next step up would be morphine and I'm not sure I want to go that far. Thanks for all your support and information you all :-) I don't know who else to ask and I know a lot of you are going through the same stuff.


  5. I was wondering if anyone here has had any good results from herbs such as green tea.. essiac or this other thing called graviola capsules. So many people have reccommended these things but I'm a bit leerie of messing with my chemo treatment, My nurse did say green tea is ok as long as it doesn't contain ginseng. I would love to hear what everyone thinks about this. :-)


  6. Thanks, I have tried to keep my sense of humor through this.. I have always been funny and outgoing and try to see the bright side of things, I love to make people laugh somewhat of a class clown in school :-) I hope I don't offend anyone with my sense of humor, I am not ever poking fun at this I know it is very serious business I just prefer to laugh rather than feeling sad or angry or depressed. Still suffering a bit with the shingles but it seems to be getting better even tho I have been up since 3am with a painful spot in my back, it was much worse before. Hope all is well with everyone! :-) it is almost 6am I am beginning to feel sleepy and I need to get my daughter off to school. Take care!


  7. I too had some sort of reaction with my first round, I believe it was from the chemo but not really positive all I know is I thought I was having a heart attack my heart was racing and my chest seemed to have pressure also my arm felt somewhat numb and tingly, they did an EKG and all was ok and a chest xray to make sure nothing had changed inside. It was probably anxiety for me I'm thinking. This time around with the chemo I got shingles... very painful stuff.


  8. Well you all, I'm about to go complete my second round of chemo treatment.... This time around so far (knock on wood) I haven't felt nasious at all a little dizzy a couple of times but not bad, however my back is in some horrible and miserable pain.. It burns inside and out, hurts for anything at all to touch my skin even my tshirts and there are red splotches here and there, my oncologist thinks maybe I'm developing shingles because the burning pain indicates nerves.... All I know is it is miserabel! I can hardly sleep at night and gee I have to wear clothes LOL Well I am on medication, hope it helps because pain killers don't even work for it... Anyways, my oncologist said he wants to do a complete CT Scan after this round of chemo in 2 weeks. He normally does it half way through which would be 3 months but for some reason wants to check mine now... I wonder why, I just may have to ask my nurse if he is concerned about something or what. I'm anxious to know if chemo is working to be honest just worry some is worrying the doctor for him to check so soon. Well... I must go it's drip time! LOL Take care and see you all real soon.


  9. I think my oncologist and nurses are great actually :-) He said one thing at a time about my smoking because he didn't want me to be too stressed out. I just have to wonder if it is working against the chemo treatment tho. I want to quit it just gets stressful with the cancer stuff and the kids (my 16 year old knows everything! and my 13 year old daughter is 13 going on 21 it seems at times hahaha) Soon my mother in law will be here to help relieve some of the burden, my husband has to work so he can't be here as often as we would both like, he is as much as possible tho.


  10. Hi you all :-) This is my first day of posting here, Special thanks to Wenna for showing me the way here! I am 38 year old mom/wife and I was diagnosed with SCLC March of 2004 it all happened so quickly I can't remember the exact day I was told for sure it was SCLC but I felt all along that I knew it was cancer, my kids have been tough little troopers through it, my son 16 and my daughter soon to be 13... and my husband right there by my side when I needed him the most I thank him from the bottom of my heart for that. The toughest part was telling my mom whom lives so far away from me I was worried about her taking it harder than anyone and her fragileness but all went well and I have great support from family and friends, this is a great site you all have given me even more hope than I had to begin with, I have my days I guess you could say but after reading all of your posts I feel even more positive! Thank you.


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