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Posts posted by thriving

  1. I was diagnosed Mar'11.Low sodium sclc-7cm tumor right lung-they said limited first-both the onc and rad onc .Day of lung rad sim they said they saw what might be Liver mets-no lung rads-started carbo/etop every 3 weeks 3 days-I was going to a community clinic-had no insurance..they did not do a biopsy to confirm liver mets-they did not give me nuelasta-chemo was a week late 4 times. Scanned at round 2-significant reduction in lung tumor,supposed liver mets reducing-said they saw evidence of bone mets but they were already gone-added zommetta.

    I got insurance and moved to a aggressive cancer clinic here in columbus ohio-Zangmeister--my new onc was not convinced I had liver mets possible he said--without a biopsy there is no way to realy know as for the bone mets he said lets continue with zometta and see...He prescribed-4 more rounds of etop/carbo(making a total of 8,then pci if brain was still clear, then lung rads if the liver was clear. They scanned at 7 rounds and the doc came in and said-liver mets are completely gone-if they were liver mets--bone issues nonexistent ,lung tumor shruk to 1.8cm..he did say there was a lymph node that had grown 3 mm however could be the slant of the camera, allergies, or nothing-said the rad onc would kill it and the tumor. sent me to rad onc..he ordered immediate Brain Mri for the next day-came out clear as a bell, did final round of carbo/etop-finished PCI this week,Starting 6 weeks of lung rads on monday.

    This new onc gave me the nuelasta from the git, I had very few side effects from chemo-hair did fall out-I went to work every day during chemo-I walk dogs for a living-I went to work everyday with PCI and I intend on going to work everyday with radiation. I asked my onc about prognosis...and he said--no prognosis--lets treat you. My rad onc, onc, and nurse practioner have all said that I have had a remarkable responce that I was doing very very very well.

    I despereately need to hear from Long Term Survivors!!!!

    Any advise or tips to survive would be appreciated!

    thanks you!

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