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Posts posted by TonyaJ

  1. Hi Randy

    I felt so helpless having my dad in so much pain. My dad has a bad back and typically takes Lortab when he needs it. Well his Oncologist took him off it because if he would run a fever than the tylenol in the lortab would mask the fever so she put him on morphine instead. It didnt even touch the pain. I told my mom to take his temperature and if normal than go ahead and give him his lortab. It actually helped more. We called the Oncologist and she said to start giving him motrin every 6 hrs to help with the imflammation. It did help some. Then basically after the 5th day he woke up and was feeling much better.

    When he had his follow up with his Onc she told him that hopefully he will not have that side affect this time.

    Thank you Judy so much for your care.

    I think that with him gaining weight and not being "sick" it has made it more hard to grasp the concept of him having stage 4 lung cancer.

    Hope all is well with everyone. I have been praying for all on here that I have met and havent met yet. I also keep progress on my dad on my facebook page as well , if interested in being friends anyone is more than welcome to look me up. Just let me know and I can give info. I enjoy meeting new people especially people going through what we are now.

  2. Hi everyone, sorry it has taken me so long to catch up with what is going on.

    My dad has now started his chemo treatments. His first was last month and is getting them every 21 days. He just had his 2nd treatment today. They have told us that the cancer has spread to his liver and spleen and is in his ribs on the right side. His first treatment lasted 7hrs, it made for a long day. He come through it like a trooper. Then about the second day after he started to hurt all over, then his joints started hurting bad and he started having muscle cramps. He was screaming in pain. It was horrible. It lasted for 5 days than he came out of it and has been doing great. Last week he started losing his hair and is now pretty much gone. :-)

    He is suppose to be getting 6 cycles of the chemo. After the 3rd treatment they will be repeating his PET scan.

    Still if a person didnt know you would not guess my dad had cancer. Other than of course being bald now, he has gained 20lbs. The nurses even at the cancer center keep asking him if are you sure you are not sick.

    Thank you all so much and I will do better about keeping ya'll updated.

  3. I am so grateful to have found this site and have the opportunity to talk with everyone and learn more. I cant imagine being turned down because of no insurance. However I do experience that with my patients. Its so sad. There are so many hard working people out there but are unable to afford health insurance. That however is a whole nother can of worms and I am very opinionated about but will not go into it. :D

    Being in the medical field I know of the Lung Dr my dad sees and he is a very good Dr, but when you tell me, my daddy and my mom to go home and prepare for the worse but hope for the best, you just lost my good thought of you. :evil:

    Again I want to thank everyone for their advise, stories and encouragement. It has actually made me feel a bit less nervous. I will keep everyone posted every step of the way of our journey.


  4. Thank you all so much. Its like we are living a bad dream and none of it is truce. Of courese im sure thats how everyone feels when something like this happens.

    The pathology report came back as large cell carcinoma. He has a 2-2.5 cm mass in his lower right lobe. Like I said it was found by total accident. We had taken him to our local hospital for left elbow pain for the 3rd time over the last 9 months. The 2 previous times he had been treated for tennis elbow and sent on. This time they got to checking for a blood clot and were doing a PE Scan when they discovered the mass, from there they sent him to the local big hospital. He spent 5 days there. They done a bronchoscopy to get the bx.

    When we went back to the lung Dr for the dx he said that it did come back as cancer but the final gram stain had not come back yet. He told us to go home and prepare for the worse but hope for the best. We live in WV and my dad is wanting to go to either OSU or Cancer tx center of america in PA. We live in WV and the Dr told us that he wanted him to start tx here first in case it takes a while to get into a big tx facility. I worry that its because my dad doesnt have health insurance although he does have the financial capabilities to pay.

    Its been hard because I too am in the medical field so I have automatically taken the raines on the process. i have been the person to call and talk to the Dr and I have my grandmother calling me wanting to know why he hasnt been sent to the Oncologist yet.

    I have been trying so hard to be strong for everyone, especially for my kids. I have told them what is going on but have not spoken to them about the worst possibility yet.

    We did finally get an appt with the Oncologist on Oct 5th. So will go with my mom and dad to that appt also.

    Would it be better to get a referral from the oncologist to go to another tx facility or is it something we can do ourselves?

    I feel like my brain is in a jumbled mess trying to type what i want to say.

    I appreciate so much for the help.


  5. Hi my name is Tonya and my daddy was just diagnosed with lung cancer a few weeks ago and has spread to his liver. We are all still very much in shock. It was found by accident and he does not have any symptoms what so ever. He is only 49. We have not been to see the oncologist yet. I have so many questions and am excited about being able to talk to people that have been or is going through the same thing.

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