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Posts posted by tarnold40

  1. Went to the onc. this morning and everything looks good to go for the radiation. In two weeks my father has lost aobut 20 lbs and that's the only thing that concerns me. He was 175 lbs a year ago and is now 126 lbs (I'm a little envious because I have started gaining weight). Had book work drawn and will need a pint so I am going to donate a week before the radiation and will continue to donate as often as they will let me. Right now the doc is unsure of chemo because of his frail state but he wants to live long enough to see his house built on the lake.

    His girlfriend stayed with us for a little over a week and I asked her if she would like to go to the doctor this morning and she said no. We got back and she wanted to know what was said and I just kind of scanned over what the doc said. I feel that if she is that interested she would have gone. My father was very hurt by her actions. We took a nap because we had to get up so early and when we woke up she was gone. She called her daughter while we were gone to come get her. She says that she loves my dad but I don't need or want this type of relationship for him right now when he is fighting for some kind of a life.

    I am the only one that will make sure my dad has what he needs and gets where he needs to get. No one helps me...I have a very understanding supervisor and that's all that matters.

    Sorry for the ranting but I am so fed up with what other people are doing but now I have my house back to my immediate family and the INN Is closed to all others. My dad needs his rest and we don't need the negativity.

    Thanks for listening and your words of kindness. It really means a lot.

  2. My father had been running temps for a cople of days when we first found out that he had cancer. I took him to the ER with 103.6. His wbc was 22,000 but there didn't appear to be any infection of any kind. The second trip that I made to the ER he again had a temp of 103.6 and the wbc was again elevated but they couldn't find any type of infection. On the third trip I called 911 because I was tired of the hospital sending him home when I knew something was wrong with him. This time we had a doctor and nurse that explained that the temps were probably coming from the tumor and it was called "tumor fever". That was an acceptable answer and we changed him from Tylenol to Advil and it seemed to help until the day that he had to go get more blood work done and my son took him. My son said that about 5 minutes after they got back in the car to head home he kind of slumped over. My son thought he had just gone to sleep, which was normal for him to do and proceeded home. Upon arrival home, my father was totally out of it and it took three of us to get him out of the car and into bed. He was very groggy but appeared to be ok. About 30 minutes later I went to check on him and touched him and he was burning up. I got the thermometer and his temp was 104.6. I didn't believe it so I took it again and it was 104.6 still not believing it I had my son check it while I called 911. The ambulance arrived and immediately loaded my dad up and took him to the ER. He was monitored on the trip and when they arrived at the ER his temp was 104.8. They immediately took him to a room and started hooking up to all the machines to monitor him...I remember looking at the blood pressure and it was 60/38. I was watching my father die right before my eyes. They were trying to draw blood and his veins kept collapsing so they had to do a cut down. He was so out of it. They ran all kinds of test and couldn't find any infection anywhere. He spent 4 days in ICU hooked up to an IV with Domprimane, Vacimicin and two other antibotics just in case he did have an infection. Finally he started coming around and was put in a room. The doctors have no explanation on the fevers other then to say it's "tumor fever" but they put him on Nasprn and he has not had a fever since and that has been about two weeks ago. He would also sweat profusely and have to change 4 to 6 times at night.

  3. I had a long talk with my therapist on Friday and I'm going to take her advice. I told my dad about this website and when he has the energy to sit in front of the computer for awhile, he is going to check it out. I do so much appreciate all the kind words and I know that I will be ok with whatever decision my father makes. He and I talked yesterday and we both understand what is going on and accept the outcome, whether it be remission or death. We will be side by side. He has to have another transfusion done and I told him that I was going to give my blood because I want him to fight with everything he has, just as I have always done. We are going to the oncologist on Monday to see if chemo is an option. I really don't think he can handle it because he has gone from 175 to about 110 lbs in just 2 months.

  4. It's not the doctor - it's the girlfriend, sister that are causing the problem. When he was in the hospital, I refused to let anyone come up there because they were skirting the issues!! The onc. has given us hope but because the sister's husband died from cancer after going throught he radiation/chemo she doesn't think that my dad should put himself through that. No my father is not in the best of health but the onc. said that his hemo count could be down and would need a transfusion. I am already scheduled to give blood as a directive if this be the case. I want to do whatever is possible to keep my father here longer but I want him to be happy and make the choices for himself without all the influences he is getting.

  5. My father became very ill the end of February and on 3/2/04 he was dx with cancer. It took over a month to find out the type and staging because of one thing or another. (Mostly miscommunication). Dad running high fevers (103.6), take to emergency room, hydrate him/send him home, this went on for two weeks. Fever 104.6, got smart called 911. Ambulance takes to hospital, temp 104.6, bp 60/38!! immediate admission to ICU! Go figure. IV's everywhere - dx - cancer - duh!! 4 days in ICU, 3 days in private room, finally trip to Onc. Mr. **** you have nsclc stage 4 and this is what we can do but we cannot cure it! It can make you sick, don't think we want quantity of life, quality is better. Arrange for hospice, that's what dad wanted. Now I'm confused, talks with girlfriend, talks with his sister and now he doesn't even know anything about the cancer!!! I am so frustrated by everyone's view on what is going on and they haven't even talked with the doctors. I have been in constant contact and know what is going on but he doesn't want to listen to what I have to say (I deal with the reality of it) he wants to hear what everyone else thinks - help me to understand this. Now we have an appointment with the Onc. just to talk!!

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