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Posts posted by MayFrog

  1. Welcome Heather (and your Mom, too) :)

    I know you both must be so overwhelmed right now.....it's such a lot of information to digest is so short a time.

    The metallic taste usually fades over time; it comes from the heavy metal (platinum) in the chemo. Good thing is, SCLC usually responds very well to chemo.

    A little advice for you since you are your mother's primary caregiver: start a journal. Keep daily logs re: appetite, side-effects, moods, physical concerns (like the swelling in her feet), questions you might think of. Makes it so much easier when you visit the doc....with everything going on it is so easy to forget to mention something or ask a question you've been wondering about.

    Most importantly, make sure you take some "me-time" for yourself as your able.....your health and state of mind is important, too!! Even 30 minutes, just to put on the radio, take a bath, close your eyes and relax.....works wonders!

    Looking forward to hearing more from you and your mom, and wishing you the best.


  2. Jen,

    So happy NED is in your life!! :D:D:D:D

    If it were me, I'd want to do everything under the sun to keep him with me, and if it meant more chemo and PCI and all the discomfort that may go along with that, then so be it! My feeling is it's a small price to pay for such a beautiful outcome!!

    Take the time to really think this through.......it's a personal decision only you can make, and I trust you'll make the right one.

    I'll keep you in my thoughts.........


  3. Just wanted to thank you all for listening to me whine for a bit.....phewwwww.......it really helped!!

    I know that in the grand scheme of things, my little ups & downs are nothing when compared to what all of us and/or our loved ones are facing every day when it comes to battling this dreaded beast who invaded our lives without even the hint of an invitation!

    It just feels good sometimes to vent......get it all out.....sure beats the alternative of exploding from the stress of it all; so darn messy to clean up!

    And yes, better living thru chemistry has become one of my new mantras......and Bloody Mary's are most certainly therapeutic!!

    Love you all.......

    Mary :wink:

  4. Thanks for the update; you all have been in my thoughts lately.

    How sad to have to sell your "dream home", but with a little luck and some prayers, a new "dream home" can be found that will fill the dreams you have today.

    My very best wishes to you all......good luck with everything :)


  5. I knew there was a reason I never went to the doctor.....they always find something wrong with you!

    Up until this year, the only time I visited a doctor (except when I was having my children) was on an emergency room basis.

    In April, I was diagnosed with SCLC, and went thru my chemo visits and scans, etc., etc. When all that was said and done, I finally got a PCP and figured, hey why not? Let's go have a physical! Well, it seems like I'm falling apart piece by piece!

    After my 1st visit with my new PCP; she called and told me I was borderline anemic (not too surprising following the chemo) and also that my cholesterol level was sky high.....prescribed Lipitor. If that wasn't enough, my kidney function has been progressively getting worse since chemo, so I'm scheduled for a kidney ultrasound for tomorrow!

    Then, she scheduled an eye exam......no big deal, right?....hmmmmmppph.....I have a hole in my left retina and have to see a specialist Dec 1st; might need laser surgery!

    Oh, I almost forgot....this week I was dx'd with a very bad bronchitis (never had that in my life), and am on antibiotics.

    I'm at the point where I'm afraid if I drive by my clinic, some doc is gonna come running out saying "WAIT!!!!.....we've found something ELSE wrong with you!"

    OK......I'm done ranting......forgive me......just hadda vent :roll:

    Love you guys,


  6. Cheryl,

    Have been thinking about you lately and wondering what was happening...thanks for the update. What a load of unwanted, unneeded and unnecessary stress for you!! I wish you well in your fight....you can do it!!

    Yanno, when I think of street junkies being eligible for SSDI, and being given free health insurance, foodstamps, vouchers for housing and job training.....and compare that to someone who wants to continue to work and be productive throughout his/her illness but is being thrown obstacles every step of the way......something just isn't right!


  7. Hebbie,

    Love MB20 and that song.....it describes me to a "T" (even before my dx!)

    And, I have to agree......once the initial shock of the dx is over, and the chemo tx done, everyone seems to try and block out the fact that I still have cancer, that I'm still on the roller-coaster ride of my life, and that for me, things will never be the same.

    Ah, well.....people do what people do.....


  8. Hebbie,

    Love MB20 and that song.....it describes me to a "T" (even before my dx!)

    And, I have to agree......once the initial shock of the dx is over, and the chemo tx done, everyone seems to try and block out the fact that I still have cancer, that I'm still on the roller-coaster ride of my life, and that for me, things will never be the same.

    Ah, well.....people do what people do.....


  9. Freedom isn't free....for all our rights and freedoms we so casually enjoy each and every day in the US, someone has died for them. No words can express my gratitude to all Veterans, past & present; they make my heart proud.

    My 21 year old son is a Navy Hospital Corpsman, currently attached to the Marine Corp out of Camp LeJeune, NC. He was previously a submariner for 2 years, and was in the Gulf when the war in Iraq first started...his sub was one of the first to fire their Tomahawk missiles.

    He is currently awaiting deployment to the Middle East after the 1st of the year, right now he says Kuwait (I sure hope it stays that way), but it could be Iraq.

    God bless all the men and women who are doing what they feel is right and just.......and keep them safe from harm.


  10. Jen,

    So glad to see you have NED in your life!! I tell ya, tho, waiting on scan results has to be the worst part of this long journey we're all on. I know my anxiety level goes thru the roof at scan time!!

    Hoping everything comes out clean, clean, clean........


  11. Oh, Elaine, my heart is breaking for you!

    Being in that kind of pain is not acceptable when there are remedies available...if that Neurontin doesn't alleviate it, go to the ER!! With your medical history and recent history of exasperating run-ins with your primary you should be able to at least get the pain looked at and a cause hopefully found.....I think in your case, an admission to the hosp might not be a bad idea; get all your tests and work-ups done at once.

    No one deserves to be in pain....no one!!

    Please keep us posted


  12. Hi Sheryl and welcome :)

    So sorry you have to be here, but glad you found us just the same.

    There are many wonderful members here who can share their experiences with you and offer advice and support.

    Me, I can only do the support part, as I am not familiar with your husband's diagnosis/treatment.

    Please keep us posted; we care.


  13. Angie,

    sorry I'm late in responding to your post; please know you and your family are in my thoughts daily.

    Here's hoping once your dad's new medication regimen kicks in, his spirits will begin to lift again....we all know how hard it is to be upbeat when we're in constant pain.

    Hang in there!!


  14. Un-fricken-believable!! :evil:

    But, then again, nothing like this really surprises me anymore; and that's truly sad.

    My heart goes out to you and your husband, really & truly.

    But, I agree with the many others who suggest you run, not walk, to an attorney....if only for a (free) consultation. My gosh, there has to be some remedy.....if not monetary, then at least getting his job back (though I don't know if i'd want to work there again; but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do).

    On the bright (?) side, maybe at this point you may be able to qualify for state-funded health insurance? Here in MA, we have MassHealth, which is basically free care, including all tests and prescriptions.......

    I'm rambling, I know, but I just feel so bad for you guys......wish I could just reach out and give you a hug and tell you everything's gonna be OK....

    Keep the faith, Elaine.....and keep us posted.....we care


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