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Posts posted by Spanky3

  1. She's been on the meds for 6 months now, since dx. She is not and was not religious and poking with sticks doesn't seem to be working. Unfortunately, we live more than an hour away which makes daily visits impossible since we still have to work and all. I was hoping that her husband would "poke' her more, but he seems as much or more paralyzed than she is.

    I think talking to a counselor myself is a good idea. Is there a particular kind I should look for?

    Her attitude frightens me b/c I think she's just given up and it is WAY too soon for that, if that is ever appropriate. She's a young woman, early 40s, and has SO much to live for.


  2. I'm not quite sure how to phrase this correctly, but here goes . . .

    How do you get your family member with lc to help themselves? My SIL is going through with tx but has basically given up. Refuses to go to any counseling but is so incredibly depressed - won't go to work (hasn't in months), barely leaves the house, has absolutely no enjoyment in life whatsoever. She is completely negative about everything and sees only the negative in everything. At this point she is barely talking to her docs, not pushing for test results, doesn't tell them when she's hurts, etc. If we try to be positive she snaps. We don't know how to help her anymore and as I said, she refuses counseling. She has depression medication which I believe she is over using. I just want her to begin to fight and she just refuses. It is so hard to watch and even harder to listen to.


  3. I am new to all of this and feel incredibly stupid, but what is the criteria - generally - for someone's lc to be inoperable? I see that many people here have had surgeries, etc. and my family member was told it was not possible to operate. I am an in-law and therefore not really privy to all nformation and feel like asking directly would be intrusive, so I look to all you wise people.

    I also wanted to let you all know that I find this site so incredibly helpful and comforting and you are all inspirational - thank you!

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