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Posts posted by Katester

  1. I just wanted to stop back in again and see how everyone was doing. I've been following the board as I can now that I am back to work full time and pretty much doing just fine. I am NED as of yesterday.

    I can't say that the surgery recovery road wasn't without it's ups and downs. Some days I get clear reminders that I had lung surgery last December. For the most part, I take each day and consider it a gift.

    I learned today that a coworker of mine of many years has lung cancer.

    He and his wife stopped by my office as they picked up disability papers.

    I didn't know what to say. I had to search for the words . He has most of his right lung involved and is not able to have surgery because he has a left lung weak as well from heavy smoking for many years. My journey was quick and swift to this point as my cancer was caught so early , that I almost didn't feel I had earned the right to share my experience with him.

    After speaking with him for a while I realized we did have something in common, our thoughts and emotions were the same. There is no way to express the feeling of being told that one has lung cancer.

    I told him about this site and hope he decides to take a look see .

    You guys are all such troopers and represent the cause so well.

    My thoughts and continuing prayers are with you.

  2. Hi Pam,

    Just wanted to welcome you as well.

    I am sorry to hear about your sister. How fortunate she is to have you .

    Although I can't answer your questions there are many here that can and will.

    All of us will be there for you so come often.


  3. Sounds like things are moving right along and that your doctor's are working with you and your requests.

    I had my PFT first before any other tests. As soon as I passed that they scheduled the surgery then in the interm they did the testing. I'm glad they moved quickly but from the time of the diagnosis to the day of my surgery was only 10 days and that doesn't give one much time to think about what's going on. It certainly didn't give me time to think good things anyway.

    It's all turned out good for me and here's hoping the same for you.


  4. I'm sorry about the diagnosis. You can beat this and you are fortunate that you are being considered for the surgery.

    I hope all goes well for you. I am just two months out from a wedge resection of my upper left lobe for a very small tumor. Unfortunatley the surgery is the same for a wedge resection. I haven't had nor was prompted to have chemo after the surgery.

    I remember being really concerned that I coulldn't have the surgery because I have asthma and really don't exercise like I should but I passed all the tests easily.

    I can remember the surgeon saying to me if you walked in here you can do the surgery.

    You can do this like many others before you. Lead the way for those behind you.

    Good Luck through it all.


  5. Welcome and I am sorry as well that you had to come here.

    I knew just what I was going to say as I was reading the posts of others and then Becky said it best.

    To add to that I have several nodules that are nothing and many people do. I was observed for several months and when they did find that I had a tumor it did not resemble the nodules and was growing.

    I was extremely fortunate that I was being watched at the time to see what was going on with the nodules.

    I had absolutley no symptoms.

    Best of luck with your PET results. My surgeon absolutely hates PET scans and my pulmonary physician loves them. My first PET was perfectly correct that my nodules were just nodules, my second PET ended up indeterminate for the tumor being cancer.

    At my checkup with my surgeon on the 8th of this month he showed me the pathology report for a few of the nodules that were removed by my surgeon during my wedge resection for further testing. They reported them as Aspergillius a type of fungal infection. That can be introduced into your lungs by anyone at any time.

    Hang in there and let us know your results . The waiting is the worst.


  6. Hi Bruce and Welcome

    I can't respond to any chemo information as my cancer was discovered at a very early stage and it was decided after my wedge resection 8 weeks ago to not do chemo or radiation . Those of us who are elgible for the surgery are fortunate for the early diagnosis and that we had the health to have the surgery. There are many here that can give you insight as to the road ahead for you.

    Eight weeks away from the surgery I am doing pretty well but it takes time to feel somewhat normal. I remember at two weeks I too wondered what the future held for me in respects to my health. I agree with many that we establish a new normal. Just recovering from the surgery is a task in itself let alone chemo when you still already don't feel well.

    Hang in there and come here for support often.


  7. Hi Rob,

    Sorry too about your Dad. Support and love and just someone to listen is my thought as to what he would want from you. And when you need support and someone to listen, everyone here will be here for you.

    I very much remember a conversation with my adult son a while back now, but he too said he didn't really know what to do, say, or how to help. It's not all that easy to know what to do for a parent . Instinct will take over as things start to unravel over time. I am sure you will do all the right things.

    My best to you and your Dad as well as your entire family.


  8. Sorry to hear this. Hope this all turns out okay for you. As you know and have experienced, sometimes these things turn out to be nothing, but you have to go through alot just to find that out too.

    Let us know.


  9. Welcome Kristal

    Hopefully things will continue to improve with Greg. Being a former smoker I am glad to hear that Greg has finally quit. I recall several years back I used to say that if I were to ever get lung cancer that I would need to accept that fact because of my smoking, but when it actually happened it was far from acceptable.

    Come often for support from those who can answer you questions and give you support through all of this. Hang in there.

    My best to both of you.


  10. I always respond that I am a candidate for whatever my insurance will pay for.

    My surgeon told me that my cancer was limited to the surface cells with no evidence of anything anywhere else after sampling of lymph nodes and

    several of the scattered nodules throughout my lung. I have asked and I am asked by others on a regular basis why not chemo and my team of doctors insist I don't need it and the purpose of the surgery was to remove the cancer. So, I'm going to run with that for now, however I would only be foolish to belive that cancer could never return no matter how early it was discovered.


  11. Welcome Mary

    Come back often! Although my cancer was caught early on, I too had a difficult time discussing it with my husband or anyone for that matter.

    At that point I believed that unless one was living it then they couldn't understand any of the emotions, so for some time it was just me on this side and everyone else on that other side. Keep on with whatever you have been doing to support your husband. He recognizes the effort even if he isn't acknowledging it to you.

    Learning and reading other peoples stories will show you that there is much hope for the future .

    My best to you and your husband


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