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Posts posted by renee_ky

  1. I just wanted to say hello to all, and I hope you are all doing well. I sneak in time to time and check on everyone, but I have not posted. It has only been one month (yesterday) since Scott passed, and it has been rather difficult to accept/handle. And, I am trying to get a handle on my work again, which is a challenge on it's own. I feel like I have forgotten everything!

    But- I will be back! In the meantime, take care.

    You are all in my prayers.


  2. I just wanted to take a moment to let you all know that Scott passed away yesterday, at home. His passing was very peaceful. I was drawing his medicine up when I noticed his breathing seemed labored. I told my Mother in law that we can skip the AM meds and just sit with him. We were holding his hands, he took a few deep breaths, I told him to let go and go home, to Jesus. I told him I would meet him there. Once I said that, he did not take another breath. His passing was peaceful, and the way he wanted it, at home and me beside him.

    Thank you all for the support you have given to me. In the short time I have been visiting this board, I have found the best support and comfort, above any other. I hope once my healing begins, I will be able to help someone else walk down this road, and not feel alone.

    I do not know how to post an obituary, but if anyone wants to view it you can go to www.courierjournal.com, his name is David "Scott" Wilson.

    Thank you again, I love all of you and I am still praying that God will continue to bless all of us with his wonderous love.


  3. Hello all: Just want to let you all know that we are home from the Hospice inpatient facility at Norton's. I will now care for Scott from home. They are allowing me to administer his medication through a pick line. And, I can call hospice anytime I need to. Hospice will stop by to check and make sure everything is going ok. Scott is VERY happy to be home now, as am I.

    Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers. I will try to check in from time to time and see how everone is doing.


  4. Hello All: I am home only for a few minutes, and wanted to send an update, and ask for prayers, PLEASE!! I took Scott to the ER Tuesdays morning sue to low temp (96.4), cold to the touch, sweating excessively and vomiting. Needless to say, they kept him. These problems were fond to be due to a tumor in his pancreas. As of now, they are doing radiation on thie tumor in the pancreas to aleveate the pain. The Liver is not functioning properly neither, due to mets. His Bile ducts are blocked by the swollen nodes, and new tumors. They also found 2 new mets on his brain that they will NOT be treating. Because Scott had WBR in February, doing rasiation will cause "mush brain" as they called it. As of yesterday, his kidneys stopped functioning, they inserted a cathedar because the bladder was full, and also cauing a lot of pain. His pain med (Dalada) was doubled yesterday. I do not have to tell any of you, Scott will die very soon. The Doctors estimate 2 weeks, or less. I am going to do everything I can to bring him home, once they gt his pain under control. I hope I can get him here. I have promised him many times, I woudl not let him die in the hospital. Hospice came to the hospiatl to meet with me and I have made arrangements for them to come home with us. If possible, I will bring him home tomorrow. I hope I can!! Yerday was a very bad day, not only the pain, but dimensia started.

    I can not even begin to tell you how I feel, right now it realy does not matter, he is priority. Hopefully, I will be able to give an update tomorrow, if I get to bring him home.

    Please pray for his pain to be toloerable, and for his death to be peaceful. At this point, that is all I know to pray for.

    Please overlook all of the typos, I am rushing and not correcting anything.

    Thank you all for the prayers I knwo you will be sending us. When you pray, please also pray specifically for his Mother- Joye, Father-Doyle, and brother-Steve. This is very hard for all of us, and I pray for his family, especially his Mother.


  5. Dawn- I really can not add much to what everyone else has sent you. But, I did want to tell you that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your Mom. I hope that no other areas are found in the upcoming tests.


  6. Cat- You said exactly what my Father in law said. He is a snow bird, lives in Florida in our "real" winter. He was making fun of us because we were complaining it was too hot. I know, you Floridians welcome 84 degrees. We we Northerners can't take it. :)

  7. When Scott was dehydrated, the first thing the nurse look at was his tongue. You are looking for white, if she is dehydrated, it will look a little "hairy". I know that sounds weird, but that is how the nurse was able to tell just how bad Scott's dehydration was.

    Good luck to Mom!!

  8. Joni,

    I do not know from experience, but I think it is natural to feel that way. I have a friend that lost her husband 6 years ago, and she is terrified if she is alone! She has 2 dogs, a security system, and bars on her windows. She has a 33 year old son that lives with her. The son will not leave her, because he knows how scared she is. She and I have talked about it and to make a long story short, basically, when she lost Charlie, she lost her security.. because with him, she had nothing to fear.

    I am sorry you have these feelings! I wish there was something I could do. I will pray for you to have strenght for every day and every night.


  9. Becky- I am really sorry to see you going, I hope you come back soon. You REALLY make a difference on this board, and I hope that sometimes it benefits you as well. It sounds like you have your plate full with work, home, weddings and just taking care of yourself. Wish I lived closer, I would help!

    Take care, hope to see you back soon. Maybe with pictures of the new house. And maybe a picture of the cute little finger, ear and hair chewer. I am sure you will enjoy your new baby girl. I sometimes wonder what Scott and I would do without Sage (expecially Scott), he is an 80 pound Samoyed that LOVES his Daddy!

    I will be praying for you!!!


  10. Good news is. I called Sears back last night and explained how uncomfortable Scott is, and why. They said "We will be there Monday morning". I am waiting, hopefully it will be soon. Tuesdays did not seem so bad until I realized it will be 90 degrees today. No thanks!!

    Tina- We have a friend that is an electrican, he came over and checked all of the power inside and out, and reset the compressor (that is what Scott suggested too), but it didn't help. Troy (our friend) this it is in teh furnace, or the thermostat. But, he is an electrician, not a heating/AC guy. But we do knwo it is not power related, so should be covered under warranty.

    Peggy- Yes, it is a long wait for the tests. The only reason they are waiting is because they want to let the radiologist finish the radiaition to the Iliac (Pelvis), and then get fresh scans and know what they are starting with. This way, they will know how well the chemo is working. Scott can not take chemo right now, because his stomach has not healed from radiation. So, they decided to do the radiation on pelvis while we wait for chemo to resume. The oncologist did want the MRI of the thoracic and Lumbar spine sooner (he wanted it by today) but the hospital could not do it before Thursday, the 26th. So, we have to wait. I did decide, if it gets worse, I will take him to the ER and they have no choice but do it sooner.

    Tess- He will not take Pepcid or Mylanta, they both gag him. He is taking Nexium and eating rolaids like candy.


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