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Posts posted by Jay

  1. WOW! I'm so amazed with everyone's responses. I really feel loved! :)

    I think some are confused with where I come from. Some think I'm from Argentina, some know I'm from Mexico. The thing is I'm from Argentina but live in Mexico. You could say I'm Mexican, but my blood is argentinian. So, that's just to clear things out. The reason why I first said I lived in Argentina and not Mexico I can't even remember, it was a year ago. I can't believe it will make a year that I've been a member of this community! It might sound ironic, but I'm very lucky to be here... the people here is the best, and I love you all.

    About the trip, I PMed Connie, my dad has become so overly protective, he thinks I'm too young to travel alone, plus he says I shouldn't travel alone... I suppose he thinks I'm useless or something because I have Cancer! I got so mad at him and ended up in a big fight, yelling and slamming doors. I'm so mad! He said he would think about it but I know what his answer will be, especially after I walked out of the house slamming the door behind me. I even showed him how many people wants to help, but he said money isn't the issue... I cant believe he's doing this to me! The one thing I want! I was so excited I was sure he would say yes! Maybe I got my hopes way up.

    I'm sorry, you guys have been so sweet and kind and I feel so loved after reading all of your posts. I wish my dad would see that. I'm still going to ask him once and again to let me go, until he gets tired of hearing it and says yes. He has to say yes. I've already made my mind up that I will be going, he can't say no...... can he? :(

  2. WOW! I'm so amazed with everyone's responses. I really feel loved! :)

    I think some are confused with where I come from. Some think I'm from Argentina, some know I'm from Mexico. The thing is I'm from Argentina but live in Mexico. You could say I'm Mexican, but my blood is argentinian. So, that's just to clear things out. The reason why I first said I lived in Argentina and not Mexico I can't even remember, it was a year ago. I can't believe it will make a year that I've been a member of this community! It might sound ironic, but I'm very lucky to be here... the people here is the best, and I love you all.

    About the trip, I PMed Connie, my dad has become so overly protective, he thinks I'm too young to travel alone, plus he says I shouldn't travel alone... I suppose he thinks I'm useless or something because I have Cancer! I got so mad at him and ended up in a big fight, yelling and slamming doors. I'm so mad! He said he would think about it but I know what his answer will be, especially after I walked out of the house slamming the door behind me. I even showed him how many people wants to help, but he said money isn't the issue... I cant believe he's doing this to me! The one thing I want! I was so excited I was sure he would say yes! Maybe I got my hopes way up.

    I'm sorry, you guys have been so sweet and kind and I feel so loved after reading all of your posts. I wish my dad would see that. I'm still going to ask him once and again to let me go, until he gets tired of hearing it and says yes. He has to say yes. I've already made my mind up that I will be going, he can't say no...... can he? :(

  3. WOW! I'm so amazed with everyone's responses. I really feel loved! :)

    I think some are confused with where I come from. Some think I'm from Argentina, some know I'm from Mexico. The thing is I'm from Argentina but live in Mexico. You could say I'm Mexican, but my blood is argentinian. So, that's just to clear things out. The reason why I first said I lived in Argentina and not Mexico I can't even remember, it was a year ago. I can't believe it will make a year that I've been a member of this community! It might sound ironic, but I'm very lucky to be here... the people here is the best, and I love you all.

    About the trip, I PMed Connie, my dad has become so overly protective, he thinks I'm too young to travel alone, plus he says I shouldn't travel alone... I suppose he thinks I'm useless or something because I have Cancer! I got so mad at him and ended up in a big fight, yelling and slamming doors. I'm so mad! He said he would think about it but I know what his answer will be, especially after I walked out of the house slamming the door behind me. I even showed him how many people wants to help, but he said money isn't the issue... I cant believe he's doing this to me! The one thing I want! I was so excited I was sure he would say yes! Maybe I got my hopes way up.

    I'm sorry, you guys have been so sweet and kind and I feel so loved after reading all of your posts. I wish my dad would see that. I'm still going to ask him once and again to let me go, until he gets tired of hearing it and says yes. He has to say yes. I've already made my mind up that I will be going, he can't say no...... can he? :(

  4. WOW! I'm so amazed with everyone's responses. I really feel loved! :)

    I think some are confused with where I come from. Some think I'm from Argentina, some know I'm from Mexico. The thing is I'm from Argentina but live in Mexico. You could say I'm Mexican, but my blood is argentinian. So, that's just to clear things out. The reason why I first said I lived in Argentina and not Mexico I can't even remember, it was a year ago. I can't believe it will make a year that I've been a member of this community! It might sound ironic, but I'm very lucky to be here... the people here is the best, and I love you all.

    About the trip, I PMed Connie, my dad has become so overly protective, he thinks I'm too young to travel alone, plus he says I shouldn't travel alone... I suppose he thinks I'm useless or something because I have Cancer! I got so mad at him and ended up in a big fight, yelling and slamming doors. I'm so mad! He said he would think about it but I know what his answer will be, especially after I walked out of the house slamming the door behind me. I even showed him how many people wants to help, but he said money isn't the issue... I cant believe he's doing this to me! The one thing I want! I was so excited I was sure he would say yes! Maybe I got my hopes way up.

    I'm sorry, you guys have been so sweet and kind and I feel so loved after reading all of your posts. I wish my dad would see that. I'm still going to ask him once and again to let me go, until he gets tired of hearing it and says yes. He has to say yes. I've already made my mind up that I will be going, he can't say no...... can he? :(

  5. Hello, thank you everyone. I guess you are right, I should go on and live my life. I should start hanging out more, play more football, do my thing. If my friends love me they will adjust, right?

    Thanks to each and everyone that answered. I always feel better after reading what you have to say. And Carleen :oops: well, I guess I have a crush on you too. ;) Thanks for everything you said, you are the best! :D

    Connie, I will tell my dad about this in the morning, I got pretty excited when I read it, so it would be a good idea. I'll just have to see when I would be able to do it and if my dad lets me. I'm 19, but he is overly protective. Thanks for the offer, you are great. I hope we can do this.

    And to everyone that has e-mailed me, thank you so much. I still don't check my mail yet, but I will during the weekend.

    Hugs to all. :)

  6. I'm sorry everyone. I feel bad for not being around for so long. I haven't checked my mail and I haven't checked the forum. If you guys could give me a small update on how things are I would really appreciate it.

    I had been feeling sick for quite a while. I went to a regular check up and it seemed like I was doing just fine. I still felt sick, tired and my whole body hurt, specially my back but I didn't think it was important. Anyway, I won't make the story long. I had a bone scan a couple of weeks ago and I just got my results yesterday. Bone mets.

    I don't know why this is happening, I think I'm confused at the moment. I had so many questions for my doctor yesterday but I was blocked. I didn't think of them till I got back home. How can this happen? I had Chemo and I don't have brain mets now... I don't understand it. I suppose is just luck? But do I have such bad luck?

    Sometimes I'm grateful my mom isn't here, that way she doesn't have to see me go through this. I can't have a girlfriend because I can't do this to her, being sick, what kind of a boyfriend I would make? And I really liked this girl I was dating, but I just can't right now. I don't want to do anything I don't want to see anybody. I just need to think. What's going to happen next? Chemo is the only thing that I can think of. Is that it? Do I have to hang to the chemotherapy and just wait and see? I'm still turning 20 on February, and 21 the other year and 22 the year next to that. I just wonder how I'll do it.

    I'm selfish, I've just been thinking of myself when all of you have been concerned about me here. I don't forget about any of you though.

    Bone mets. The word doesn't scare me, even the thought of it is OK. What scares me is the "What happens next?" truth is, I have no fu**ing idea. My arm really hurts, I was playing football today (I'll do it while I can) and I fell hard, so I hope I didn't break anything, that's all I need now.

    I'm starting chemo this Friday to prevent it from spreading and get rid of what I have right now. I hope it works, but if I must be honest, I don't think it will.

  7. Hey there, sorry for not posting, I'm going through a really bad depression at the moment. I might have to be back on anti-depressants, I start going back to therapy on Monday. I spent the week in my pajamas, under the covers of my bed, watching TV.

    My dad is quite worried and so as my little sister who insists on playing but I just don't have the energy right now. I miss my mom, I hate Cancer (we all do, uh?) I hate the fact that I had to leave school and my friends already graduated. I hate that they are not as close to me as they used to, it's my fault anyway, and the girl I liked, I never really asked her to be my girlfriend and now she's dating someone else. It's just terrible, I don't want to leave my room and I certainly don't want to leave the house. I eat cause I have to, and I did take a shower today, cause I had to.

    I just got online now, and I'll be checking my e-mail soon. Thanks for the concern guys, I love you all! I'll come here more often if my bed lets me do so, I'll be online again tonight.

  8. Thank you so much guys! :) It means a lot to me. I will explain tomorrow with more detail, but I'm doing OK... I think. I'm really weak but the doctor said that is normal. I just came back home, I spent a couple of days at the hospital cause I'm in such a bad shape that I had to stay there longer than usual (I'm waaaay anemic and below my weight). I will be going for a check up in a couple of days, but so far everything is looking good. Lets see what the next CT has to say (((((EVERYONE)))))

  9. Hi Sandy,

    Thanks for the post. Yes, I went to the doctor yesterday, but I wasn't able to come online because my connection to the internet was acting up. I was able to get into the board but then it would get dissconnected and I didn't get enough time to post.

    Anyway, never mind that. Now that I can post.... well, I went to the doctor and we are going for gamma knife. I have several mets and for what he explained, I think that's the best option for now. I was hoping you guys could explain me from your experiences how this procedure is. He already told me but I want to know from a patient's point of view.

    I suppose that having LC as a primary tumour is common to have mets, but isn't a biopsy needed to confirm the diagnosis of the mets? I should have asked him that, I always go blank when I go to my appointments. I'll have to start writting my questions down.

  10. Thank you all, each and every one of you. Your posts made me feel a lot better and actually a lot more possitive than I was. I don't know what's next, I will find out this Monday with my Onc. I will keep you all updated.

    Thanks again to everyone, you have no idea how much your support means to me :)

  11. I was so anxious about going to the doctor. I was trying to be positive, I was really trying to think the scan would come clear. I was scared that the reason for the head aches and nauseas was brain mets... and I was right. I suppose a biopsy is needed to confirm the diagnosis??? I don't even know what to think, where to start and what to write here at the moment. My mind is blank and I have so many questions.

    I just thought I would let you guys know as you are all so important to me. I'll post more later, today or... something.

  12. I've missed you all.

    Yes, you were always here. Yes, I was around myself. Yes, it's my fault cause I haven't been posting much. I'm been having health problems, I don't want to say anything until tomorrow that I go to the doctor to get my results on what I hope is nothing serious, yet, I'm so nervous that I had to come in and post, as you guys are my strength.

    I hope everyone is doing OK.

    Much love, Jay.

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