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Posts posted by GBBailey

  1. Hi Craneman,

    As you can see alot of us have gone through this and are here to offer our support. I had my left lung totally removed three and a half years ago, and I am doing well - a little short on breth but much better that what it might have been. I know it can be a scary thing to face, but rest asurred you can come through it, and with the support of friend, family and this group you will. Don't give up and above all else Pray- It Works.

    In Christ,


  2. Hi Paige,

    I am truly sorry to her of your mother's cancer. Please let her know that she is in my prayers as are you. At this stage, I don't know what else any of us can do exept pray? You have our support and know that we are here for you both.

    God Bless,

    Greg [/i]

  3. Hi Betty,

    Although my case was not like yours, please remember that no two cases are alike, stages may be but you yourself are diffrent from me or anyone reading this and we all heal at difrent rates. Don't give up sometimes it takes a long time to bounce back, but think possitivly, don't give up and pray.

    God Is With You,


  4. Hi Amy,

    I am sorry to hear about your Dad, I know that being so far apart is hard on both of you. Don, has covered about all that can be said at this point. I can only give you hope by saying three years ago the doctors only gave me three months, but I'm still here, so never give up hope.

    Most important don't let your Father give up hope, for when you do the road is fast and can only go down hill. Prayer seems to be the best med., it will strengthen the hope and give him something to hang on to. My prayers are with you both. Please keep us informed and if we can help in someway please let us know.

    In Christ,


  5. Hi Shelley,

    I am truly sorry to her of your mom's diagnoses and her ineligibility for Medicare. Although I don't now the reason that she has been turned down, I do know that there is help out there. I would go to the patient advocate in the hospital, all hospitals have one. This person should know in which direction to point you. Also you might try the Chaplin's Office, many churches have groups and resources to help. Also try your County Social Services Dept., they should have emergency funds that she might be able to draw on, and they will also help reapply for Medicare to reopen your mom's case and possibly get the help she needs. The big thing is not to get upset (easy to say I know) but there is help out there the trick is to find it, at a time like this, no one should have to worry about such things, but the government and healthcare providers don't often have an open heart or ear to the needs of someone this desperately sick.

    My prayers are with you both at this time of need, may you find someone able to help, and may your fears and troubles all be washed away. I hope this has helped, and if I can be of assistance in any way please let me know.

    In Christ Jesus,


  6. Hi Memere,

    Sorry to hear that you have to go through this, but just know we all hear have been where you are now, and although you may feel that your world will never be the same, there is hope, and you' ll find it here. I myself have only one lung and to tell you the truth, I feel better than I have in years, yes I am short of breth but it's a small price to pay for all the wonderful other gifts God has given me, and I'm not the only one their are may others with stories that will give you hope.

    In Christ,


  7. Dear Terri,

    Although I didn't have the honor of knowing Jim, I hope that this prayer might bring you and your daughter comfort.

    Grant, O Lord, to all who are bereaved the spirit of faith and courage, that they may have strength to meet the days to come with steadfastness and patience; not sorrowing as those without hope, but in thankful remembrance of your great goodness, and in the joyful expectation of eternal life with those they love. And this we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen

    (from the BCP)

  8. Hi Kim,

    My heart goes out to you and your mom, I think from what you have written that your mother is still in shock for lack of a better term from finding out she has Cancer. May people can't beleive that it could possibly happen to them, and then when it does they are mad, upset, lost, and afraid. Who wouldn't be, the biggest problem I can see is she seems to have given up, resigned herself to what she feels will be the final out come, this is a big mistake, she must have and keep a positive attitude, she has to believe that she'll beat this and not give in. You say that she has no church community ties, I' m not here to preach, but I do know that for myself Faith is what got me through my cancer( stageIV), with only 3months given- that was 3 years ago. Everyone must have something to beleive in something to rely on when things are put in a place where you can't control it yourself and their seems to be no hope, for me my faith in God and His power did it. I would be glad to talk to your Mom if you thought it might help, I am a PHONE BUDDY and if you get in tough with ALCASE or e-mail me I will tell you how to contact them.

    In Christ,


  9. Hi Katie,

    Just a note to say welcome and that our prayers are with you and your whole family, your sister must truly love and care for you, and to know that you have someone like this in your corner can only help to see you through this. Although we can't be with you as a group in person, be assured that each of us are with you in spirit and in prayer, if you need to talk or simply vent we are only an e-mail away.

    In Christ,


  10. Yes, Larry I do. I know that it's a miracle that I'm still here, the doctors only gave me three months to live that was three years ago. Yes, it's do to a miracle, one that only God could do, and this wasn't the first that He has done in my life, many was the time that He reached out His hand and saved my life, from sickness as a baby, through reckless teen years of fast cars and endless parties, through on jod accedents as a miner and mill worker, and steel fabracator, may times He has saved my life, and finally He saved me from assured death from Cancer. He has given me new hope and meaning in my life and I pray that through me others will find the miracle I have found in him.


  11. Hi Jen,

    It is hard to quit, and for me it was almost impossible, I was lucky in one respect that at a time when the doctores where almost ready to remove my leg, do to lack of blood flow due to smoking, I was under medication and by the time I returned to a state of mind that I know what was going on the craving to smoke was gone (not a way to quit I would suggest). All I can say is I think a person simply has to stop, not cut back, but simply stop- I know it's not easy but the fact that it is shorting your life, should be of some incentive, think of all the things that you could miss out on, family, friends, the abitity to do day to day activities. Smoking is the worst addiction out there, simply because it's made so available and the government still makes it legal to do even though it kills thousands each day. I pray that you find the strength to quit, if I can be of help, just let me know, I'll do all I can to help you stop.


  12. Hi Val,

    Just a note to let you know that you are not alone in this. Family can offer their support and love, but no one knows what emotional effects Cancer can bring, along with changes in your body, and the fact that it can shake one faith.

    Val, we are all here for you, in support and love. If you need someone to talk to, or simply to use as a sounding board, just e-mail me or anyone on this list I know we all are willing to help.

    God Bless,


  13. :) To all those who have welcomed me to this group I say, Thank You.

    It's Sunday morning and I just was checking my e-mails and messages, before my wife Trudy and I head off to church. As I was doing so I thought I would stop by and check to see if there were any postings that I might help with. I could not beleive what I found, so many caring people, wishing me the best and many with the Word of our Lord in their hearts. Truly tears came to my eyes, for those that have seen the devastation that cancer can bring into our lives and still have faith is truly a wonder and a testamony to your faith in Christ. I will pray for each of you today and lift up your names to the Lord.

    God Bless,



  14. :) My name is Greg, I am a 51 year old male, stage IV lung cancer servivor, 3 years free, left lung removed totally. I volunteer with the American Cancer Society, ALCASE-phone buddies, and our local ecumenical group. I am a member of the Anglican/Episcopal Church, and I know that without it being God's will, I would not be here today. I wish to help those in need by support and comfort, and if able to help them come closer to Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the healing that He can do in our bodys and our lives. If anyone needs to talk about what they are going through or need support in any way please contact me.

    In Christ,


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