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Posts posted by nandie

  1. thanks very much for your support. it's been a rough couple of days, but mom is out of the surgery and has been moved from the ICU to a regular room. she's doing great! eating well, and her speech--which had been unclear for the first 24 hours--is returning as well. it feels like she's made it over yet another hurdle.

  2. Hi Folks:

    My mom had a brain met removed with the gamma knife last August, and this week they found that the leision in the area has grown, so that now it is donut-shaped with the area treated with the gamma knife in the center. So she is scheduled to have the mass removed on Friday in surgery. Does anyone have any information on what we can expect or any stories to share?

    Thank you,


    Mom - diagnosed 3/04, chemo+radiation, gamma knife for one brain met 8/04, chemo again 1/05-4/05, now brain surgery.

  3. hi patti,

    I'm not on here very often, but I have found it to be a great source of information and hope. best of all is reading other people's stories about how they are beating cancer. :) so I just wanted to share with you that, last march, my mom was diagnosed similarly to your mom. she had LC in both lungs and was treated with radiation daily and weekly chemo. she developed a brain met in aug and was treated with the gamma knife. it's been a very rough road. today my mom isn't NED but she's doing really well and even thinking of going back to work.

    I know every case is different, but I agree with the other posters that you should get a second opinion. it sounds like your mom is willing to fight. get her the help that she needs to beat cancer. it can be done!


  4. hi lori:

    I don't have any info on iressa for you, but I just wanted to say hi because it sounds like my mom and your mom have been having a similar time. my mom also did the chemo/radiation combo and couldn't eat for what seemed like forever due to the burned esophagus, and as soon as she was feeling better she got a brain met (in august). I know for me, when she was diagnosed with the brain met was the scariest time. hers was able to be removed with the gamma knife, but it was touch-and-go for a while. but she hasn't had another recurrence of the brain lesions and she's nearly done with her second round of chemo (which has been much easier on her). her scans have shown good results. I hope the same holds true for your mom. sounds like she's lucky to have you on her side.


  5. hello all. hope everyone is keeping warm with all the wintery weather out there lately. I got some good news from my mom yesterday, who is in the middle of her second go-round with chemo. the first was a weekly chemo + 5x a week radiation treatment. this time is chemo weekly.

    mom's news is that she had a CT scan which shows that the chemo is working and that the tumor is turning translucent. she didn't have any more info than that and gets a bit testy with my when I ask more questions. I was wondering if anyone has any insight into what this "translucent" response is or means.

    her second news is that her bloodwork count went from a score of 50 to a score of 4--and that was a positive move. can anyone explain how that one works as well?

    sorry to be such a dodo, but I'd really like to know more about the context of the situation. any guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

  6. Hello all. I'm a chronic lurker who's gotten great information from your stories and advice. Thank you so much for being here.

    My mom has lung cancer (stage IV) and as you all know, it's quite a rollercoaster ride with the different treatments. I live out of state and have been going back to visit once every 6-8 weeks. I find it hard to figure out what's really going on unless I'm there.

    On hand two, I'm planning my wedding. Some days I'm happy to be doing it and others I alternate between having an anxiety attack and sobbing. Normal for a bride-to-be, right? I probably wouldn't bother with this at all, especially right now, but it's my mom who really wants me to have a nice wedding.

    Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone else is planning a wedding, having a baby, or engaging in other happy events while an immediate family member is fighting lung cancer. I'd love to read your story, hear your advice, or share experiences with you.

    Thank you.

  7. Hello all. I have been reading the forums here for a couple of months and reading all of your stories has been very encouraging. I have a question about radiation that I haven't seen answered directly, so I hope you all have some ideas for me. My mom underwent combo chemo/radiation therapy--the last radiation treatment was about two weeks ago. She still has extreme pain from the radiation, to the point where she can't really do anything, including eat. She was hospitalized at the end of the radiation treatment cycle due to low weight and dehydration, but is home now. She is on a lot of pain meds. My question is--has anyone else experienced lingering, extreme pain from radiation and had it get better eventually? If so, how long--2 weeks, 3? 4? Is there potentially something else going on here? Thanks for your insight....

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