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A co-worker's father just got diagnosed

Remembering Dave

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Hello, all, this is Karen C. A friend I work with is out of work all week, at the hospital with her 70-something year old Dad, who was rushed to the hospital Monday morning. Her mother called and said her father would not wake up. She rushed to their house and the rescue squad was there. They thought he'd had a stroke. Turns out he has NSLC with three mets in the brain, and the brain tumors were causing the stroke symptoms. He's in the midst of testing, staging, etc.

I told my friend about this board so when she's back at a computer hopefully she'll come on and at least lurk. There's many of you on here as caregivers/supporters of your parents who have LC and I think she would get lots of information and support here.

It made me sick to hear of his diagnoses. I think I'd rather he'd had a stroke, but I told her, and I believe this, that LC, even with mets to the brain, is NOT a death sentence. There's lots they can do to treat him. And it sounds like they already have a good game plan in place. AND, his oncologist is in the same practice as Dave's, so he's probably in great hands.


God Bless to everyone,

Karen C.

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