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How long did it take you to get diagnosed?


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Do you think your diagnosis of lung cancer was delayed in some way? Did it take longer than you expected to get a diagnosis and be treated?  

We are a group of researchers at RAND, leading a research study to learn more about why and how delays in diagnosing lung cancer happen, how such delays impact patients, and to find ways to improve the diagnostic process. We would like to speak with people diagnosed with lung cancer in the United States in the last 24 months, and who believe their diagnosis was delayed in some way. We would like to speak with you about your diagnostic journey in a 60-90 minute research interview over Zoom, scheduled at your convenience. All responses will be kept confidential.

Please click this link to learn more and express your interest in participating: https://answer.rand.org/TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=95M08636

You can also email Sangeeta Ahluwalia, Lead Investigator, at sahluwal@rand.org if you have further questions or want to participate.

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