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Hi my name is Robin.  I am really new to this type of thing.  Guess maybe looking for some insight or guidance.  In July my husband was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. He 5 treatments of chemo and 28 days of radiation and then had an esophagectomy Nov 15th.  He was having some breathing issues and finally saw his family doctor where they prescribed him a 10 day antibiotic. A week later he had his 1st CT Scan since surgery (3 months prior).  Results are not exactly what we hoped for or really understand.  Says there are small areas of nodularity in right middle lobe with the largest measuring 7mm.  Findings are non specific and could be associated with inflammatory process.  Mediastinum/Hila: precarnial lymph node measruing 13mm in short axis, lymph node in AP window measuring 6mm, subcarnial density which could be a lymph node measuring 10mm in short axis.  In the Impression part of the report it only mentions the small nodule densities measuring 7mm and that they could represent inflammatory process and are non specific findings. Also mentions Mediastinal adenopathy.  He is scheduled for a PET scan next week.  We are both scared to death. Not sure if this all means the cancer has metastasized and is spreading and he has limited time.  

Any helpful advice would be much appreciated.   Thank you

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Esophageal Cancer

Hi my name is Robin.  I am really new to this type of thing.  Guess maybe looking for some insight or guidance.  In July my husband was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. He 5 treatments of chemo and 28 days of radiation and then had an esophagectomy Nov 15th.  He was having some breathing issues and finally saw his family doctor where they prescribed him a 10 day antibiotic. A week later he had his 1st CT Scan since surgery (3 months prior).  Results are not exactly what we hoped for or really u

Robin S

Robin S

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