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Tom Galli


Amazon Kindle Royalties Donated to LUNGevity.org During November:"I am not a doctor; indeed, I possess little medical knowledge.  I am, however, a very experienced and long-tenured lung cancer patient.  That gives me a unique perspective on the disease that kills more people­­—many times more—than any other type of cancer.  I do not intend to fill this story with statistics.  They are readily available from any number of reputable resources.  I have a firm belief, however, that lung cancer research is poorly funded because lung cancer is considered a self-induced disease. 

We speak of those who suffer from or succumb to cancer as having engaged in battle; but in battle, one can choose to retreat.  When diagnosed with cancer, the only choices are treatment or death.  Statistically for lung cancer patients, the battle for life through treatment more often than not is lost.

Treatment borders on barbaric torture that is endured repetitively, with uncertain outcomes and with death looming closely.  I claim no medals for bravery.  I was, and still am to some degree, overwhelmed by fear.  While in active chemotherapy, the time between a diagnostic scan and results was a nightmare to endure; thus, my name for this experience: Scanziety.  Several times, my treatment nearly killed me.  I survived, not knowing how or why.  My survival provides hope for those who suffer, particularly for the 230,000 Americans who will receive a lung cancer diagnosis this year.  If I can survive, so can you."

Stay the course.

Get your copy of Scanziety here https://www.amazon.com/Scanziety-Retrospection-Lung-Cancer-Survivor-ebook/dp/B01JMTX0LU 


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