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Posts posted by CindyA

  1. I wish I lived closer I'd sign up myself! Will you be able to go or know someone who can? :?:

    Saturday, July 27, Bronson Battle Creek (BBC) is offering free lung cancer screenings for high-risk individuals. The screenings will be held in the BBC outpatient center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

    When the disease is detected early and it is still localized (within the lungs), the five-year survival rate for lung cancer goes up to 52.6 percent

    If you are at high-risk, you can register for these free screenings by calling the Bronson Battle Creek Cancer Care Center referral coordinator at (269) 245-8390 between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.

    http://www.bronsonhealth.com/news/free- ... -screening

  2. I have a friend who tried the juicing way of life for a few months. She said her energy levels were higher, her skin looked great, and she got a lot of compliments about looking younger. She couldn't swing it with her 3 kids, so she has backed off from it. However she really taps back in to juicing when she isn't feeling well. I'd ask your doctor before you decide to try something like this. SOme veggies have reactions with certain medications.


  3. So as the cloudy day tries to takeover my day ,I can't help but loudly sing, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happyyyyy when skies are grey...". (If you have that song in your head now, you're welcome. :) ) I'm sure I've bugged my 3 year old with it enough now, haha. So here is my news. It's not really my news per say but of a friend of mine. She shared with me that her Grandfather has been fighting lymphoma cancer for years, he was dx with stage 4 yesterday, and his doctor basically told him to give up. So I told her to help him keep fighting & that there are a lot of resources for financial help out there. There are money issues preventing him from getting more care. What do you think friends? :?:

    P.S.(What did the water say to the boat? Nothing. It just waved. :D )

  4. Dear Mary,

    I read that you enjoy walks. Where is your favorite place to walk? You totally had me with "25lbs of cameras". On days where you feel less than fantastic, maybe you could try a walk with a rolling backpack full of those cameras? :) Happy belated birthday by the way! Birthdays are so exciting!

    Have you heard of the book named, "The Secret"? It was a big deal back when Oprah was on. It's a great book that promotes positive energy & really tells you how to change almost any circumstance. I can loan you mine if you like.

    Mark 11:24

  5. I read an article that proposed music is a universal way to alter ones day, feelings & health. Do you find this to be true? I listen to music all day long. Now that it has been cloudy more I feel my energy level gets lower. UNTIL I turn up my favorite songs loudly. Sometimes I feel like if my kitchen & laundry could talk they'd say they didn't see that coming! Other days when I walk home from dropping my daughter off at school I put my earbuds in & listen to Kenny G's station on iHeart radio.

    When, & which type of music stirs your soul and feels like it heals?

  6. Thanks for posting lilystemp. I love that you se beauty in everything. I tend to "have my head in the clouds" as my mother says. I look at the clouds and see brush strokes. I used to tel my mother if God will give me that opportunity to be a creater of a cloud one day. She would pollitely smile and we'd still go on about on way. Now as an adult with small children I find myself asking them to admire the beatiful color the trees are or to watch out for beautiful flowers. My oldest who is six now turns to me as we are harridly rushing in our walk to school, makes me stop to smell our neighbors flowers.

    Thanks for spreading the love of true beauty. Good luck with your resolutions. I too have a few similair ones and I think this might be the year to achieve them.

    Merry Christmas,


  7. Hi Lungevity folks,

    I recently was at a function & was speaking to my friend who is conquoring LC. Well, let me tell you she is looking BEEE UUUtiful and healthier these days. While we were hanging out she was telling me that GINGER is great for nausea and can help while going thru chemo. I made some cookies on Monday and I have to say the Betty Crocker mix was easy to whip up, I would recommend buying the softened butter that is in the baking aisle though. The frosting we used was Vanilla. Sooo scrumptious. I made a batch for my family because I'm notorious for burning every baked good I've ever tried. I'm glad my Husband took over, he's the baker in this house. Now I'm ready to whip up a fresh bathc and send to my friends house. I hope she likes them! happy Holidays y'all!

  8. Thanks Diane! That sounds wonderful! Speaking of spinach, here is a recipe I make for my family on the days I really don't feel like cooking but it's healthy anyway. It's so easy and so fast!

    Frozen Shrimp (Vitamin D may also improve survival rates among lung cancer patients)

    diced Spinach

    1/2 of lemon's juice (cancer fighting fruit, BAM!)


    chopped tomatoes

    finely chopped ginger - Tricks cancer cells into digesting into themselves, BAM, take that c-word!

    a table spoon of garlic (to liking)

    Curcumin - Recent studies have shown curcumin to interfere with cell-signaling pathways, thereby suppressing the transformation, proliferation, and invasion of cancerous cells.

    What's to drink? TEA (So enjoy tea year-round to boost cancer prevention.)

    Have pasta cooking in a pot, drain and work with the ingredients in the saucepan.

    In a saucepan cook shrimp until it is nice and pink. Then add a wee bit of butter (optional) & curcumin, garlic, add frozen or fresh spinach. When the spinach looks tender add diced tomatoes, and finely chopped ginger.

  9. Hi Michelle. Nice to meet you. I was introduced to LUNGevity from a friend of one of my dearest friends (Esther) of over 25 years. She has been diagnosed with Lung Cancer. I walked in her honor at this years LUNGevity walk. I've lost one of my perfect Grandfather's to pancreatic cancer, and I've lost a perfect Grandmother from lung and brain cancer. I still think of them daily and wish I could just pick up the phone and chat with them. I never knew I was wasting my time until I was introduced to this C-word. Now I am present in every moment, even it just small things like driving in the car with my kids.

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your Husband. I'm sure he's happily looking down upon you knowing you are active in helping others who have encountered with cancer. By the sounds of it, sounds like he has a great wife.

    Be well.


  10. Dear ToBeGolden,

    First of all I like your reason for chosing the name ToBeGolden. That will be a story I will remember and re-tell if you don't mind. I was just wondering how your Cat Scan went? Is your speech still improving? Just checking up on ya.


  11. Hi y'all. My name is Cindy. I'm here to help in any way I can. I will be posting here, there and everywhere.

    Here is a little about me:

    I'm a happy Wife, & Mother of 2. I've always lived in Texas, I was born in San Antonio and was raised in Fort Worth. I'm a country girl and a city girl. Yes, it is possible. :) I enjoy being on the ranch and in a mall. I'm a tshirt and jeans type of gal. I enjoy spending time with my family. They mean the world to me. My hobbies are photography and crafting. Nice to meet you.


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