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Posts posted by AnnH

  1. I've been on the Gilotrif for two days and so far haven't had side effects. The docs have me on a low dose antibiotic to help with the rash that they tell me will develop. I also expect diarrhea but it hasn't shown up yet. I know there are usually nail and cuticle issues on the hands and feet so I'm using a good moisturizing lotion on both when I go to bed and hope it helps. Other than that I'm hoping I'll be able to function somewhat normally. I'll have a scan in two months to see if it's having any effect. I'll post my experience. I hope it might help someone else in my situation. I know there's a lot of current research in targeted therapy with gene mutations so there is some hope.

  2. I have been battling adenocarcinoma for 2.5 years. I had two surgeries so ultimately my left lung was removed. I went through two rounds of chemo as adjuvant therapy. Now there are nodules in my right lung. My doctor is starting me on Gelotrif this week. I have two EFGR gene mutations-T790M and Leu858Arg. They've told me about side effects but I don't know anyone who is on this drug and would like to know if someone has experience with this drug. Thanks.

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